(04-21-2016, 02:59 PM)Setoh Aliapoh Wrote: I would push the button. If...You could push the button and have it just mean "Everyone write how they like."
If I felt that I knew the One True Way to engage in my hobby.
If I felt that there even is a One True Way to engage in my hobby.
If I felt that I no longer needed to be surprised by anyone or learn anything new about how to engage in my hobby.
Pushing that button sounds a bit like saying "Gosh, I really like Earnest Hemmingway. Wouldn't it be awesome if *every* book ever written was written in the style of Hemmingway?"
Granted, "War and Peace" would make an excellent Hemmingway novella, but by the time I got around to reading "Plato's Hemmingway Republic", I'd realize I should have never stroked that lamp or talked to that djinni.
Of course that happens anyway, so in that case I guess it's the same as not pushing the button.