The Knights
As you walk down the road you see a roll of parchment tumbling in the dust. When it is within reach, you bend down to pick it up. There is no one around who could have dropped it recently, and the scroll itself is tattered and dirty. Its seal is already broken, so you open it to take a look.
Dear Lord Pravus,
I hope this letter finds you well. You may not remember me,but my name is Aldeus. We met once when I visited your estate in the company of Sir Baras, who I'm certain you recall. Though I wish it was under better circumstances, I write to you with news most dire. The order was decimated at the Battle of Carteneau. Our forces were on the front lines and among the first casualties. I was wounded, but transported to safety by an Alliance mage. My injuries were grave, but I recovered in time. I have since returned and waited at the Hall, for several months now, but no others have come. I fear I am all that remains of the Knights of the Twelve.
I have done my best to keep things orderly in the interim, and to my credit the Hall of the Twelve hasn't crumbled to ruin or been invaded by pests. But the coffers are running low, and I can no longer afford to wait for the Templars to return. If the order is to survive, action must be taken. I am well aware of your past generosity to the Knights, and beg you to aid us again. Any coin you can spare would be of tremendous help, but more than that we need fresh recruits. Crusaders, Wardens, and Disciples. Any willing to follow the tenets are welcomed.
I have enclosed the original copy of the Knight's Code from the order's charter. It is yours to keep, as a memento if nothing else, but request that you make copies of it and disseminate them along with information on how to contact me.
Humbly Yours,
Aldeus Fenix
Hall of the Twelve,Ul;Dah
 Carefully sealed in a leather case attached to the bottom of the letter you find a sheet of parchment brittle with age. It reads:
A knight must strive to resist hatred from entering their heart. Hate is a knight's greatest weakness, as it poisons their soul and clouds their purpose.
A knight must never turn their back on those in need. Whether they be beggars or kings, answering a cry for help is a knight's sworn duty.
Use force as a last resort. Violence breeds violence, and the only way to truly eradicate evil is to teach it the error of its ways.
Serve no master before Honor. A knight's true power lies in their ability to inspire others. A knight must maintain a strict code of honor to lead others by example.
When in doubt, seek the counsel of your peers. All knights are bothers and sisters, and the woes of one are shouldered by all. No knight fights alone.
Respect the laws of man. A knight travels the realm, but must observe the cultures and traditions of the lands that they visit. If these laws are unjust, a knight may attempt to persuade others away from their course, but not compel. It is a knight's duty to lead, not to drag society forward.
Take all reasonable measures to protect thyself. Knights serve as shields to defend the helpless, but a shield of wood does no good against flames. A knight should never be compelled to accept a task of certain death.
Spare not the wicked. When compassion is not potent enough a tool, evil must be purged by fire and steel.
Do no excessive harm. When force is required, use it only to the extent necessary. For every unintentional injury grows a dozen unintended consequences.
Be kind. The world is a dark place, and the light of kindness can often throw away those shadows, if only briefly.
RP Intensity: More than 75%
Theme: Agents of Good
Free company: Yes
Recruitment: Closed
Server: Balmung
General Information:
The Knights of the Twelve is a heavy RP free company styled after the knightly orders of medieval Europe. Our group prides itself on high quality and varied role playing that reaches out to include even the newest member to join our ranks. Additionally, while our focus is on role play, we have a large core of players dedicated to clearing PvE content while pursuing their in depth story lines. The keys to our balancing of these two play styles, while incorporating every new member of our growing family into our larger story, are as follows:
#1. Divisions- The Knights of the Twelve is divided into two main divisions, the Wardens and the Crusaders, which are further split into two sub divisions each, for a total of four branches, each catering to a different style of play.
- Wardens, Knights of Justice: Overseen by the Templar of Justice, this division is centered around defender type characters. Paladins, warriors, even lancers and monks depending on their character's personality, are welcomed into this division. They serve as guards and are vigilant defenders of the weak. They also serve as the Knights' internal police force. (Current Templar of Justice, Isielin Danar'i)
- Wardens, Knights of Mercy: Overseen by the Templar of Mercy, this division is centered around healer and support type characters. White mages and scholars are the classes most typically found in this division. They serve as doctors and tend to the general well being of Eorzea's citizens. They also staff the Knights' infirmary. (Current Templar of Mercy, L'saralia Tahano)
- Crusaders, Knights of War: Overseen by the Templar of War, this division is centered around offensive infantry/cavalry type characters. Any disciple of war who would prefer hunt down evil rather than wait for it to rear its ugly head, is welcomed in this division. They see injustice as a brush fire that must be stamped out before it can become a raging inferno. They also are responsible for carrying out judgments passed by the Templar of Justice. (Current Templar of War, Garrison Krios)
- Crusaders, Knights of Aether: Overseen by the Templar of Aether, this division is centered around offensive casters. Any disciple of magic who prefers offense to healing and support is welcomed here. As Crusaders, they hold the same philosophies as the Knights of War, and only differ in their combat style. They are also the protectors of the Knights' secret knowledge and overseers of the library. (Current Templar of Aether, Lorel Silverfloe)
- High Templar: Ide pendant of the four divisions, the High Templar is the official head of the Knights of the Twelve. While the other Templar maintain autonomy over their divisions, the High Templar directs them and coordinates their actions. (Current High Templar, Aldeus Fenix)
*Note: Anyone familiar with out group may notice that our old three division system has been replaced. This new system is designed to encourage more cooperation between the divisions, as well as balance out membership amongst the four and provide 2 additional Templar to help oversee the group.
#2. Squire System: Every new member to the Knights of the Twelve begins their career as a page. This is a base level initiate who has joined the Order, but hasn't begun any formal training. The length of time someone remains a page may vary, but isn't long. It is designed to be a sort of "get to know you" phase, to ease new comers into the group.
Once a player is sufficiently acclimated, they will be promoted to the rank of Squire, and partnered with a knight who will train them to become a knight themselves. Depending on the character's IC history, this could take a few days to a week (for character already possessing knightly training and who acclimate quickly), or could take considerably longer. The goal of this phase is to form bonds between the new member and the rest of the group as they grow and develop their own character identity.
Finally, when a member is ready, they will be promoted to the rank of Knight, and will be ready to take on squires of their own.
#3. Leadership: Originally headed by the three Templar of Justice, War, and Artifice, we've recently undergone a restructuring to introduce two new officers to the group and bring out Templar count up to five. We pride ourselves on having highly engaged officers, and with the five Templar each in different NA and EU time zones, there will be one online almost at all times.
While the High Templar is ICly the head of the group, OOC, each Templar has the same authority. New ideas and procedures are discussed amongst us all, and voted on before implementation. We do this to ensure that new ideas are thoroughly vetted, and to keep one officer's potentially rash judgment from affecting the group (though we all get on swimmingly together and drama is kept where it belongs, in RP, not RL).
That about wraps it up for the general information. If anyone has any further questions, please post it in a reply to this thread, and we should get back to you within 24 hours (probably a lot sooner though).
History of the Knights of the Twelve
584 - The Knights of the Blade are founded by Alistair Lockwood as an anti-elezen militia. They are well received by the hyur people, and after a successful campaign against the elezen Lockwood is granted a lordship and the title of High Templar.
697 - A religion known as the Temple of Light gains acceptance throughout various hyur settlements and is adopted by the current High Templar of the Knights of the Blade. The Temple espouses charity, compassion, and inner peace over traditional deity worship.
714 - The Temple of Light's influence causes a schism within the Knights of the Blade leading to the establishment of two divisions, the Crusaders and the Wardens. The Crusaders maintain the order's traditionally warlike directive while the Wardens tend to the general welfare of others. The High Templar maintains control over the Knights, but establishes two new positions, the Templar of War and the Templar of Peace to more closely oversee the two groups.
937 - A trade dispute within a powerful merchant's guild badly disrupts supply lines for the Knights of the Blade. In a move to become more self sufficient, the rank of Disciple is introduced to recruit trades people directly into the order. The office of Templar of Artifice is established.
1011 - As the hyur spread across Eorzea, the Knights of the Blade establish a chapter in Limsa Lominsa. The roegadyn are the first non-hyur race allowed to join.
1038 - Growing operations in Limsa Lominsa give the Knights of the Blade much greater exposure to the other races of Eorzea and create a shortage of administrative personnel. Lalafell are allowed join and are actively recruited for their talent in matters of trade.
1144 - The Hall of the Twelve is built in Ul'dah to serve as a central hub for operations across Eorzea.
1247 - Krios Mason is made the first High Templar born in Limsa Lominsa.
1282 - High Templar Mason's egalitarian worldview prompts a more inclusionary tone for the Knights of the Blade that brings the order to the zenith of its power. All restrictions of race are abolished, and the office of Templar of Justice and the Vanguard are established to oversee the peaceful integration of new races. In an overture of peace, an elezen is made the first Templar of Justice.
1285 - The Knights of the Blade are renamed the Knights of the Twelve to further cement their pan-Eorzean appeal.
1315 - The Knights of the Twelve establish a chapter in Gridania.
1521 - Militias are outlawed in the new Garlean Empire and the Knights of the Twelve are forced to cease operations.
1552 - A crushing defeat at the Battle of Griffin Crossing saw support for the Knights of the Twelve collapse in Gridania.
1557 - The Knights of the Twelve send a detachment to bolster the defenses of Ala Mhigo, but are woefully outmatched by the magitek weapons of the Garlean Empire.
1562 - Increasing sahagin attacks cause a spike in casualty rates for the Knights of the Twelve in Limsa Lominsa.
1567 - The Knights of the Twelve refuse to pick sides in the political conflict within Limsa Lominsa and become alienated by all factions, leading to a suspension of operations.
1572 - The Knights of the Twelve are eradicated at the Battle of Carteneau. Junior Warden Aldeus Fenix is the only known survivor.
1576 - Warden Fenix reestablishes the Knights of the Twelve and institutes a number of reforms to restructure the order. The office of High Templar is abolished and the duties of the Vanguard are assumed by the Wardens. The Templar of Peace is replaced by the Templar of Justice, and Aldeus Fenix assumes the mantle.
"A paladin is not defined by the armor that he wears,
or the magic that she wields, but by the simple desire to,
without ego or thought of reward, carrythe banner of justice."
As you walk down the road you see a roll of parchment tumbling in the dust. When it is within reach, you bend down to pick it up. There is no one around who could have dropped it recently, and the scroll itself is tattered and dirty. Its seal is already broken, so you open it to take a look.
Dear Lord Pravus,
I hope this letter finds you well. You may not remember me,but my name is Aldeus. We met once when I visited your estate in the company of Sir Baras, who I'm certain you recall. Though I wish it was under better circumstances, I write to you with news most dire. The order was decimated at the Battle of Carteneau. Our forces were on the front lines and among the first casualties. I was wounded, but transported to safety by an Alliance mage. My injuries were grave, but I recovered in time. I have since returned and waited at the Hall, for several months now, but no others have come. I fear I am all that remains of the Knights of the Twelve.
I have done my best to keep things orderly in the interim, and to my credit the Hall of the Twelve hasn't crumbled to ruin or been invaded by pests. But the coffers are running low, and I can no longer afford to wait for the Templars to return. If the order is to survive, action must be taken. I am well aware of your past generosity to the Knights, and beg you to aid us again. Any coin you can spare would be of tremendous help, but more than that we need fresh recruits. Crusaders, Wardens, and Disciples. Any willing to follow the tenets are welcomed.
I have enclosed the original copy of the Knight's Code from the order's charter. It is yours to keep, as a memento if nothing else, but request that you make copies of it and disseminate them along with information on how to contact me.
Humbly Yours,
Aldeus Fenix
Hall of the Twelve,Ul;Dah
 Carefully sealed in a leather case attached to the bottom of the letter you find a sheet of parchment brittle with age. It reads:
A knight must strive to resist hatred from entering their heart. Hate is a knight's greatest weakness, as it poisons their soul and clouds their purpose.
A knight must never turn their back on those in need. Whether they be beggars or kings, answering a cry for help is a knight's sworn duty.
Use force as a last resort. Violence breeds violence, and the only way to truly eradicate evil is to teach it the error of its ways.
Serve no master before Honor. A knight's true power lies in their ability to inspire others. A knight must maintain a strict code of honor to lead others by example.
When in doubt, seek the counsel of your peers. All knights are bothers and sisters, and the woes of one are shouldered by all. No knight fights alone.
Respect the laws of man. A knight travels the realm, but must observe the cultures and traditions of the lands that they visit. If these laws are unjust, a knight may attempt to persuade others away from their course, but not compel. It is a knight's duty to lead, not to drag society forward.
Take all reasonable measures to protect thyself. Knights serve as shields to defend the helpless, but a shield of wood does no good against flames. A knight should never be compelled to accept a task of certain death.
Spare not the wicked. When compassion is not potent enough a tool, evil must be purged by fire and steel.
Do no excessive harm. When force is required, use it only to the extent necessary. For every unintentional injury grows a dozen unintended consequences.
Be kind. The world is a dark place, and the light of kindness can often throw away those shadows, if only briefly.
RP Intensity: More than 75%
Theme: Agents of Good
Free company: Yes
Recruitment: Closed
Server: Balmung
General Information:
The Knights of the Twelve is a heavy RP free company styled after the knightly orders of medieval Europe. Our group prides itself on high quality and varied role playing that reaches out to include even the newest member to join our ranks. Additionally, while our focus is on role play, we have a large core of players dedicated to clearing PvE content while pursuing their in depth story lines. The keys to our balancing of these two play styles, while incorporating every new member of our growing family into our larger story, are as follows:
#1. Divisions- The Knights of the Twelve is divided into two main divisions, the Wardens and the Crusaders, which are further split into two sub divisions each, for a total of four branches, each catering to a different style of play.
- Wardens, Knights of Justice: Overseen by the Templar of Justice, this division is centered around defender type characters. Paladins, warriors, even lancers and monks depending on their character's personality, are welcomed into this division. They serve as guards and are vigilant defenders of the weak. They also serve as the Knights' internal police force. (Current Templar of Justice, Isielin Danar'i)
- Wardens, Knights of Mercy: Overseen by the Templar of Mercy, this division is centered around healer and support type characters. White mages and scholars are the classes most typically found in this division. They serve as doctors and tend to the general well being of Eorzea's citizens. They also staff the Knights' infirmary. (Current Templar of Mercy, L'saralia Tahano)
- Crusaders, Knights of War: Overseen by the Templar of War, this division is centered around offensive infantry/cavalry type characters. Any disciple of war who would prefer hunt down evil rather than wait for it to rear its ugly head, is welcomed in this division. They see injustice as a brush fire that must be stamped out before it can become a raging inferno. They also are responsible for carrying out judgments passed by the Templar of Justice. (Current Templar of War, Garrison Krios)
- Crusaders, Knights of Aether: Overseen by the Templar of Aether, this division is centered around offensive casters. Any disciple of magic who prefers offense to healing and support is welcomed here. As Crusaders, they hold the same philosophies as the Knights of War, and only differ in their combat style. They are also the protectors of the Knights' secret knowledge and overseers of the library. (Current Templar of Aether, Lorel Silverfloe)
- High Templar: Ide pendant of the four divisions, the High Templar is the official head of the Knights of the Twelve. While the other Templar maintain autonomy over their divisions, the High Templar directs them and coordinates their actions. (Current High Templar, Aldeus Fenix)
*Note: Anyone familiar with out group may notice that our old three division system has been replaced. This new system is designed to encourage more cooperation between the divisions, as well as balance out membership amongst the four and provide 2 additional Templar to help oversee the group.
#2. Squire System: Every new member to the Knights of the Twelve begins their career as a page. This is a base level initiate who has joined the Order, but hasn't begun any formal training. The length of time someone remains a page may vary, but isn't long. It is designed to be a sort of "get to know you" phase, to ease new comers into the group.
Once a player is sufficiently acclimated, they will be promoted to the rank of Squire, and partnered with a knight who will train them to become a knight themselves. Depending on the character's IC history, this could take a few days to a week (for character already possessing knightly training and who acclimate quickly), or could take considerably longer. The goal of this phase is to form bonds between the new member and the rest of the group as they grow and develop their own character identity.
Finally, when a member is ready, they will be promoted to the rank of Knight, and will be ready to take on squires of their own.
#3. Leadership: Originally headed by the three Templar of Justice, War, and Artifice, we've recently undergone a restructuring to introduce two new officers to the group and bring out Templar count up to five. We pride ourselves on having highly engaged officers, and with the five Templar each in different NA and EU time zones, there will be one online almost at all times.
While the High Templar is ICly the head of the group, OOC, each Templar has the same authority. New ideas and procedures are discussed amongst us all, and voted on before implementation. We do this to ensure that new ideas are thoroughly vetted, and to keep one officer's potentially rash judgment from affecting the group (though we all get on swimmingly together and drama is kept where it belongs, in RP, not RL).
That about wraps it up for the general information. If anyone has any further questions, please post it in a reply to this thread, and we should get back to you within 24 hours (probably a lot sooner though).
History of the Knights of the Twelve
584 - The Knights of the Blade are founded by Alistair Lockwood as an anti-elezen militia. They are well received by the hyur people, and after a successful campaign against the elezen Lockwood is granted a lordship and the title of High Templar.
697 - A religion known as the Temple of Light gains acceptance throughout various hyur settlements and is adopted by the current High Templar of the Knights of the Blade. The Temple espouses charity, compassion, and inner peace over traditional deity worship.
714 - The Temple of Light's influence causes a schism within the Knights of the Blade leading to the establishment of two divisions, the Crusaders and the Wardens. The Crusaders maintain the order's traditionally warlike directive while the Wardens tend to the general welfare of others. The High Templar maintains control over the Knights, but establishes two new positions, the Templar of War and the Templar of Peace to more closely oversee the two groups.
937 - A trade dispute within a powerful merchant's guild badly disrupts supply lines for the Knights of the Blade. In a move to become more self sufficient, the rank of Disciple is introduced to recruit trades people directly into the order. The office of Templar of Artifice is established.
1011 - As the hyur spread across Eorzea, the Knights of the Blade establish a chapter in Limsa Lominsa. The roegadyn are the first non-hyur race allowed to join.
1038 - Growing operations in Limsa Lominsa give the Knights of the Blade much greater exposure to the other races of Eorzea and create a shortage of administrative personnel. Lalafell are allowed join and are actively recruited for their talent in matters of trade.
1144 - The Hall of the Twelve is built in Ul'dah to serve as a central hub for operations across Eorzea.
1247 - Krios Mason is made the first High Templar born in Limsa Lominsa.
1282 - High Templar Mason's egalitarian worldview prompts a more inclusionary tone for the Knights of the Blade that brings the order to the zenith of its power. All restrictions of race are abolished, and the office of Templar of Justice and the Vanguard are established to oversee the peaceful integration of new races. In an overture of peace, an elezen is made the first Templar of Justice.
1285 - The Knights of the Blade are renamed the Knights of the Twelve to further cement their pan-Eorzean appeal.
1315 - The Knights of the Twelve establish a chapter in Gridania.
1521 - Militias are outlawed in the new Garlean Empire and the Knights of the Twelve are forced to cease operations.
1552 - A crushing defeat at the Battle of Griffin Crossing saw support for the Knights of the Twelve collapse in Gridania.
1557 - The Knights of the Twelve send a detachment to bolster the defenses of Ala Mhigo, but are woefully outmatched by the magitek weapons of the Garlean Empire.
1562 - Increasing sahagin attacks cause a spike in casualty rates for the Knights of the Twelve in Limsa Lominsa.
1567 - The Knights of the Twelve refuse to pick sides in the political conflict within Limsa Lominsa and become alienated by all factions, leading to a suspension of operations.
1572 - The Knights of the Twelve are eradicated at the Battle of Carteneau. Junior Warden Aldeus Fenix is the only known survivor.
1576 - Warden Fenix reestablishes the Knights of the Twelve and institutes a number of reforms to restructure the order. The office of High Templar is abolished and the duties of the Vanguard are assumed by the Wardens. The Templar of Peace is replaced by the Templar of Justice, and Aldeus Fenix assumes the mantle.