What do you all think of organizations such as knighthood, vigilante, mercenary, merchants, thieves, assassins etc. being large entities that any RPer on the server can join? Do you think that individual guild rules would get in the way of this?
On Sylph there were times these type of groups drove RP, gave people something to chat about, helped develop LS-wide plots as well as individual stories. However as the RP population rose and fell, these organizations died out. They had a flaw, they were completely player run and LS-specific (most of the time). Meaning if LeaderRogue doesn't want to be the leader anymore or leaves the game, the whole organization usually collapsed. Of course being grounded to a single LS meant that if membership goes down organizations became weak and eventually empty.
Later some RP'ers started creating organizations that came from an external source. One person basically had to come up with an interesting concept and history, put it out there, and their own character would join as a member along with whoever else was interested. This way the organizations were always there and were to some degree independent of the creator.
To my knowledge we've never tried server-wide organizations on Sylph (correct me if I am wrong). Now that all RP'ers are going to be on one server, meaning a much larger population than we're all used to, I feel like this concept could thrive. I'd like to hear my friends from Sylph opinions on this, but I'm also interested if players from other servers had similar organizations and how they worked.
What do you think, can large server-wide organizations work?
Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your responses.
I’m the bullies you hate, that you became.