Ul'dah: A well dressed scholarly man reads aloud, "You are cordially invited to The Bobbing Cork for a lively All Saint's Wake Bash! .... I will treat all in attendance to a free round of buffalo's milk. It's the freshest around and Matron's..." Wait. I can't be reading that right. The Holy Matron doesn't have a...I'm going to pretend I didn't read that..."is it awesome! Bring your friends, put on your best disguise for a costume contest, and games! Yes, games! It will be a blast! ...signed Straypuk Blackjack." Straypuk Blackjack?! MATRon's ....trails off not wanting this particular expletive to stick in his head like a horribly catchy tune.
((More info will be posted soon and more IC promotion will follow. Hope to see you there!))
((More info will be posted soon and more IC promotion will follow. Hope to see you there!))