This is funds that I'm looking to get not only to save up so I can give gil to friends who are in need, but to donate to T.A.L.E's FC housing!! We've saved up quite a bit but I would like to try and give a donation as well! So let's have at it!
Color sketches!
And another!
Old example, but general idea!
Some are commissions but this is just the best I can offer for what I mean by digital colored (Please ignore the watercolor!)
Full painted picture!
- You get a sketch!
- Run about 30k a pop! +10 k a person
Color sketches!
And another!
- Run about 100k each! + 50 k per next person!
Old example, but general idea!
Some are commissions but this is just the best I can offer for what I mean by digital colored (Please ignore the watercolor!)
- Can ONLY be one per person in a picture!
- Runs about 200-300 k
Full painted picture!
- MAKE ME AN OFFER. This one takes me a lot of time to do and I'll only offer it to those who really want a nice painted looking picture of their character!