The Vault Reavers is an RP focused free company run and maintained by like-minded individuals with the goal of establishing a potential grounds for an interactive storytelling environment for new and experienced roleplayers alike.
In character, the vault reavers are a free company of like-minded scholars, researchers, adventurers, treasure hunters, honest dealers, smuggling shady folk, and even selfish, malevolent fortune seekers may congregate and work together under a common banner, for whatever their reasons may be. On that note, while we do welcome good and evil aligned characters, always remember people will react accordingly to your character’s demeanors and conduct. Even if it’s all IC, no one likes a jerk.
As such, there are things that would either bind people closer together, or drive them into opposing standpoints. In addition, the -Echo- is something certain characters within the FC are gifted with. In the event when we may have to confront a primal, or do dungeons IC’ly. We give players the opportunity to implement the Echo into their character. However that excludes the ability to read minds, or anything that would invoke god-moding tendencies.
Good Roleplay is important to us, and we aim to keep all characters any otherwise immense abilities.
We encourage our members to interact, and develop their characters through initiative. Ideas for any personal story arcs are greatly encouraged as we provide a calendar and forum space for members to voice their RP events! Should your planned story arc be something that would require the attention of the FC, then that would also be welcomed and discussed with the officer for coordination. (That is unless not another FC scaled story arc happening at the same time (Officers will be organizing those too!))
However, RP is not -all- that we do. We love our raiding, dungeons and PvE content as much as the next person. We participate in all variety of game content: including crafting, gathering or even PvP!
In conclusion, our goal is to also provide a fun, and overall positive experiences for our members, Keep in mind that IC and OOC are two different things. We are also LGBT friendly. We encourage our members to exhibit respect for those within -and- outside of the free company. We encourage everyone to be themselves and RP their characters as they see fit within lore restrictions.