I. Basic InfoÂ
I'm a medium-to-light RPer, and by this I mean I am not IC 100% of the time and I do not use every aspect of my in-game character as IC gospel, more of an inspiration. I seriously love to write, but I don't like to take things too seriously -- I goof off a lot and I have a very firm line between IC and OOC. I am not my character, and my character's opinions and feelings are not my own. I value realistic, flawed, sympathetic characters and this is what I write best. Most of them are not good people.
III. Other InfoÂ
- Characters:Marcellain Chevallier, Gaidedee Foileux*
- Primary character:Marcellain ChevallierÂ
wiki:Â https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages...Chevallier
*Dee is my tank/PVE main, so I am in game as her a lot more unless I am RPing!
I'm a medium-to-light RPer, and by this I mean I am not IC 100% of the time and I do not use every aspect of my in-game character as IC gospel, more of an inspiration. I seriously love to write, but I don't like to take things too seriously -- I goof off a lot and I have a very firm line between IC and OOC. I am not my character, and my character's opinions and feelings are not my own. I value realistic, flawed, sympathetic characters and this is what I write best. Most of them are not good people.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- Consent > content. I am all about writing the best story that's the most fun in the end, so I do not mind my characters injured. I do not PVP-rp fight, and I do not do rolls except for critical/chance stuff. Normally, we'd need to be writing for a pretty long time for me to be comfortable writing a combat scene. Whisper me before planning for any of this.
- Views on IC romance:
- Whatever happens in story happens, if it makes sense it makes sense. I don't specifically pursue IC romance and I do not do commitments; all my characters are written this way.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- Marcy has a huge extended family of Elezen gingers. If you'd like to bounce ideas about a distant relative, feel free to ask me! I like all kinds of RP, again, story is king in this case.Â
- Views on lore:
- I'm new to XIV lore and the game, so please feel free to correct me if I get something wrong! Marcy is pretty sheltered and ignorant about the world so a lot of the times I learn things as he does. I'm in general lore-flexible, I like expanding on fanons and using lore as a springboard for new ideas. I'm not fond of the English localization speech -- while I don't mind other players using "anyroad" and the like, I do not.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- Whisper me before RPing if you catch me in game -- stuff gets lost in /say, especially in cities. I like to use /party for OOC chat during scenes and communicate with my partner.Â
III. Other InfoÂ
- Country:Canada
- Timezone:MST
- Contact info:PM me here!
I'm walk-up friendly, and the best way to get something going is probably to ping me in-game. If I'm not on Marcy, I'll be on Gaidedee. I also sometimes inevitably draw the scenes and characters I'm involved with, so just a heads up!