So, this topic came up in the Skype group, so I thought I'd throw it out here as well for discussion.
According to the Devs, the entirety of the game so far (From launch to End of an Era) occured within the year 1572. That means the two years the game has been active has all occurred within a year or less.
As such, where does that leave you as the RPer? The two most obvious choices are that A: we all just pretend that we started our RP adventures in the year 1570, 'cause nothing loreheavy happened then anyway, or B: we pretend everything we've RP'd since the start has happened during 1572 alone.
Are there other options? If so, what would they be? If not, which of the two would you go with?
Will you hold others accountable to your decision?
Just a few starting questions. What're your thoughts?
For me, I'm lucky with Sienna. I started her out in August, so she doesn't have the whole two-year issue. The alts of myself and my brother, however, have been around since Beta. If we bring them back, we'd prefer to go with option A: Treating the start of our RP adventure as 1570. Very little discussion has ever occurred IC for either of us about the dates of Ala Mhigo's downfall until more recently, so it's easy enough to make A fit.
As for holding others accountable, I'd just tend not to bring up dates and specifics. Moreso "Remember when...?" and leave it at that.
According to the Devs, the entirety of the game so far (From launch to End of an Era) occured within the year 1572. That means the two years the game has been active has all occurred within a year or less.
As such, where does that leave you as the RPer? The two most obvious choices are that A: we all just pretend that we started our RP adventures in the year 1570, 'cause nothing loreheavy happened then anyway, or B: we pretend everything we've RP'd since the start has happened during 1572 alone.
Are there other options? If so, what would they be? If not, which of the two would you go with?
Will you hold others accountable to your decision?
Just a few starting questions. What're your thoughts?
For me, I'm lucky with Sienna. I started her out in August, so she doesn't have the whole two-year issue. The alts of myself and my brother, however, have been around since Beta. If we bring them back, we'd prefer to go with option A: Treating the start of our RP adventure as 1570. Very little discussion has ever occurred IC for either of us about the dates of Ala Mhigo's downfall until more recently, so it's easy enough to make A fit.
As for holding others accountable, I'd just tend not to bring up dates and specifics. Moreso "Remember when...?" and leave it at that.