A Collection of Sounsyy's Lore Compilations for RPC UseI've been asked before and have meant to do something along these lines for some time now. I've been doing posts here for a long time, so long that most end up getting buried somewhere and I end up redoing them with new info. Other times, I make large lore posts on my Tumblr, but not here. The goal of this thread is to compile those large lore dumps into one place that will be easy to search through. Also when transferring existing posts into this thread, I'll attempt to update with new lore from game and Encyclopedia Eorzea as much as possible.
Please note this will take me a lot of personal time to do. I will be moving at my own pace. I don't promise frequent updates, but feel free to check back occasionally for new posts. Thanks! And I hope this helps! ^^
Thread Rules:
- Please keep any commentary strictly lore related.
- Requesting topics is acceptable but best left to the General Lore Questions thread.
- I move at my pace, meaning I will get to previous posts and topics of mine when I get to them.
- Only my posts will go into the Index for easy searching.
- Be excellent, kind, and respectful of any others who do post in this thread.
Lore Index:
[002] - The Races of Man: Elezen, Hyur, Lalafell, Miqo'te
[003] - Races Continued: Roegadyn, Au Ra, Interracial Children, Lifespans, and Foods
[004] - (coming: The Beast Races)
[005] - Languages of Hydaelyn
[006] - Notorious Monsters of Eorzea
[007] - Order of Nald'thal, Ossuary, Sacrarium, Erralig, Adama Landama
[008] - Nophica, The Hearers of Stillglade Fane, Greenwrath, Wildlings, and Elementals
[009] - Ishgardian Heresy
[010] - Rhalgr and Ramuh, the Fist of Rhalgr, and the Monkhood's Chakras
[011] - Ala Mhigo, the Imperial Territory
[012] - The Near East
[013] - (coming: Sharlayan, the Old World)
[014] - Mamook, the New World
[015] - The Southern Continent of Meracydia
RPC Lore Index:
Tumblr Lore Index: