I. Basic Info
II. RP Style
III. Other Info
- Characters: Gyda Axedaughter, Lachlan Wallace (waiting to be transferred)
- Primary character:Gyda Axedaughter
- Linkshells:None
- Primary RP linkshell:None
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
I would consider myself a Heavy Roleplayer. I tend to be IC most of the time I'm IG in many games. That said, while adventuring/leveling, it depends on the character type. I'm not as familiar with FFXIV's lore as I am other settings, and since my characters are a Roegdyn Sea Wolf and a Highlander Warrior type, I think I can swing making them IC while adventuring to a point. Of course, until I get armor I'm not ashamed of wearing, I might not be as IC as I normally am
I'd also describe myself as a realism roleplayer. Even in high fantasy settings I try to keep my RP grounded. My character doesn't do magic things willy nilly, and fantastic things are treated like fantastic things. I like to be a part of the world, not the center of it.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
I dig it, so long as one party doesn't try to avoid getting hurt the whole time! I believe in IC actions = IC consequences. Injuries and even death are a part of that, though death is severe and shouldn't be on a whimsy.
- Views on IC romance:
All things in moderation. It's been years since I've had an IC romance in any game and for good reason - I have to trust an RP partner enough to not either disappear or to drop the RP for "bigger and better things." Romance is not the only reason I want to play or RP, and is only one factor among many. Romantic RP will not keep me playing if the rest of the game or the rest of the RP is failing. That said, if done well, romantic RP can be quite engaging!
By that same token, I am ERP friendly, but NOT an ERP-Hound, and I will not react positively to whispers that try to initiate it. I'm also not interested in some of the odd interests I know some folks have. My main is a Roeg female. As in, actual female, not a female with extra equipment. So please, don't be whispering about that nonsense. In fact, don't whisper me about ERP at all. I prefer that to be an element of RP that happens naturally, and anything else will come across as more or less OOC.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
The more the better! If I enjoy the game and lore enough, I may have to put together a Roegdyn Sea Wolf Crew if there's none out there! (Any Roeg linkshells btw? >.>
- Views on lore:
I don't know much about FFXIV's lore, but I will learn it, and I will hone my knowledge of it, because I try to follow lore as strictly as I can. I love lore in any game.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
Very useful, very good, will expand more after work
III. Other Info
- Country:USA
- Timezone:East Coast
- Contact info:These forums, will add discord and enjin info after I get home from work!
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