Oh yes! Ebonguard is seeking individuals and organizations interested in being…
Ebonguard might just be a network instead of being a proper organization, but I figure that wouldn’t preclude the possibility of it gathering a few non-members who knowingly support or participate in its activities either passively (not reporting like all of them to the damn police/turning a blind eye to members’ individual operations) or actively (supplying information, routes, actively providing sanctuary or neutral ground to members even if selectively). Reasoning could range from being like, “hey, no skin off my teeth†to “I might be able to use this to my advantage later†and beyond I mean, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life.
This wouldn’t even necessarily have to be a new thing; lore-wise, Ebonguard has existed in a few forms and the current one is just the newest… Though not necessarily the most productive. I’d be more than happy to pre-establish a connection if it suits all parties involved.
The network, veering generally toward the illegal side of things, would probably garner a fair share of enemies, from vigilantes to actual law enforcement organizations and the people who’d commission them to investigate the network. I’m planning on getting an incredibly loose “main†story started and sticking strictly to NPC villains gets a bit boring and predictable (at least in my opinion, with regards to watching, playing, or running events) so at various points we’d love to bring other players in! This could easily be a pre-established thing too, as with above; there’s room for it within our framework at the very least and the possibilities are endless.
There’s no required national affiliation for Ebonguard connections because of how loose the network is; some of us (both in terms of actual members and lore background stuff) are pretty far-flung, but I’d prefer Ul’dah or Gridania just as a matter of preference, since almost all of the events I plan/run are based in Thanalan or the Black Shroud.
Wanna know what Ebonguard is all about? We have a dedicated thread over here! But what's the fun in just keeping to ourselves? Branching out be cool, yo, be it in forging story connections or having events pitched to us -- I'm only one person (even if I'm the leader) so I can't fully guarantee group-wide interest in any given event given how big we are, but I do promise to give em a chance myself if I have the time on my plate, eh? That sounds like a pret[/color][/font]ty swell deal. I'm not a used car salesman.