I. Basic Info
II. RP Style
III. Other Info
Also, as I stated multiple times, I am still new, this is subject to change or editing. This is really a first draft.
- Characters:X'vatt Tia (Will add more later)
- Primary character:X'vatt Tia
- Linkshells:(None as of yet)
- Primary RP linkshell:(None as of yet)
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Medium to Heavy, as I do enjoy partaking in other parts of the game, I do like having the time to do as I like, however I will very often be open for roleplay. If in doubt, just ask, I'm usually very open about it.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
I do freeform most of the time, however I do believe it's up to the challenged, my characters are not overpowered, unless it's for a storyline (and that's normally only villain characters as to give a group a challenge) I do however do rolls and whatnot, but very rarely bring in game mechanics into effects, I do go by lore on what my character can and cannot do though, even if it takes hours of research for me to figure it out. I am rather new though, so I'm just bringing in my opinions of other games, and this may or may not be prone to change. (I do not tolerate godmoding or powergaming, however I promote OOC communication as to possibly work around misunderstandings)
- Views on IC romance:
If it happens, it happens, however my characters normally do not search it out. I normally go by what the characters would think.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
95% of my character's families are open, as long as people abide by certain rulings. Such as likenesses, or certain critical pieces of information that they may need to know. another thing that's really just subject to asking permission.
- Views on lore:
Many may call me a lore nazi, when that's not the case, I like to follow lore myself. However multiple times do I find things that aren't specifically stated, but make sense. Now, this doesn't mean half demon dragons or something like that. In other words, as long as it's not ridiculous, I will tolerate it, and hey, maybe get interested by it.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
I do not really understand these, however I normally just use /say and /em as my IC communication. I imagine linkshells could be long range communications, or possibly a way to get people rping without having to be in the same area. But I'm still new, so I will learn these things.
III. Other Info
- Country:United States
- Timezone:EST
- Contact info:Skype! (Ask me first), PMs, if I get to know you well enough possibly facebook!
Also, as I stated multiple times, I am still new, this is subject to change or editing. This is really a first draft.
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