The winds tugged at Askier’s red coat, whipping at it, and sending his long, brown hair dancing in all directions. The Garlean slowly trudged against the rising storm winds of a freak, afternoon tempest, the cold air rushing off the sea as distant clouds rose up to blot out the sun. Bolts of lightning shot down and Askier increased is pace, his golden eyes fixed on the collection of buildings that made up the nucleus of the vineyard.
Askier approached the nearest barn, a roar of thunder filling the air. As Askier gripped the door handle and opened it, a crow shot out from inside, its mouth emitting a horrible cawing noise. Askier jumped but slipped inside, pulling the door shut behind him.
Rows and rows wine barrels rose around him and Askier rubbed his face and filled his nostrils with the smells of the aging red wine. The smell was vibrant and rich, and Askier was excited to try this new batch, which was only a few months away from being done fermenting. Pondering what the rich wine must taste like, he slowly walked over to a barrel and placed his hand against it.
How simple his existence was now. Routine, uneventful, and yet satisfying. He was happy in this serenity.
Askier’s reflection was interrupted as the door opened. A man dressed in white, the vineyard owner, entered and fixed Askier with a wide eyes stare. The man’s face was ashen and he swallowed before speaking.
“Jin’a…†the man said slowly, looking at Askier. “I…you have a visitor.â€
Askier paused. His employers current appearance wasn’t missed, neither was the man’s apprehensive tone.
“Who?†Askier said slowly, his mind pondering the very long list of people who wanted him dead.
“I...I don’t know.†The man stammered. “He simply gave me a message. He told you that death has been kind.â€
Askier’s reaction was automatic, as if he had just had a dead rat thrust at him. He lurched back and his eyes went wide. There was an instant of panic before he flushed as red as his coat and stormed forward, his metal hand seizing the hyur’s collar.
“You said, kind?†Askier screamed aloud, his eyes narrowed to slits. “You are sure?!â€
The man I white tried to recoil but Askier’s grasp was too tight and all he could manage was an awkward nod. Askier hissed and gnashed his teeth as he released the man.
“Get your family and get the hell out of here!†Askier ordered as he went for the door. The Garlean paused in the door way and looked back at the man as he picked himself off the dusty ground. “And don’t stop running.†Askier flung his coat open and walked out.
Beneath his coat danced nearly countless grenades and explosives with extra rounds of ammunition for his gun arm. Askier walked, his right hand flicking off the safety to his metal arm as he rounded the barn and began walking towards the large, gravel covered area that was formed in a circle around a fountain between the buildings.
Askier blinked, and, despite his anger, was surprised. There must have been several hundred crows resting around the area, covering the fountain, the building tops, standing still on the ground.
But the surprise melted away once again into anger as a gust of wind tore at the figure wearing black, leaning on a sword for support, his black eyes locked with Askier’s golden orbs.
Askier closed the distance to his half-brother before he came to stop a couple dozen feet away. The approaching storm towered above them and there was a splattering of rain now, a few, random drops striking the ground between them.
Jin’li bowed his head to Askier.
“Master Mergrey, I-“
“Shut the hells up.†Askier snarled, his teeth flashing as he recalled how the wretched runt before him had held his sister in a prison for years on end to force him to build a bomb to destroy Ul’dah. “You should be dead.â€
“So should you be.†Jin’li replied, lifting his head and leaning calmly on his sword. “It seems death is but an illusion for us both.â€
“Not exactly.†Askier snarled. “I never died and had my body burned.†Askier lifted his gun arm and leveled it at Jin’li’s chest.
“Then you were never free.†Jin’li said, and Askier’s face recoiled in disgust as Jin’li smiled, the lips on the left side of Jin’li’s face pulling back to reveal yellow fangs. It was the only time Askier had ever seen the male display emotion of any type, and it was a wretched, false impression of joy and Askier wanted to destroy it. Askier went to fire his gun arm, but before he could, the crows covering the fountain rose into the air all at once and Askierfroze.
Tied to the fountain with thick coils of robe was Ashwynn, her eyes wide in terror and a metal collar around her neck, a type of collar Askier new all too well. An explosive one.
“Ashwynn!†Askier shouted in a panic, his mouth going dry. “You son of a bitch, let her go you runt!â€
The white haired miqo’te looked from Ashwynn to Askier as his smile faded.
“Askier, help.†Ashwynn sobbed, knowing what the collar was capable of doing. Jin’li pulled out a small switch and held it in his free hand.
“I will, Ash just…what do you want you vermin! Havn’t you ruined my life enough?!†Askier raged, his face blood red. Jin’li’s smile faded and he lifted the button.
“Freedom for all.†Jin’li said calmly.
“This is not freedom!†Askier snarled.
“Chaos is freedom.†Jin’li answered. “Break the chains, all that bind, and you will be free. Do not and your love will drag you both into death and eternal service to that fate.â€
“Insanity really does run in the family.†Askier howled above the roar of the rising wind. Jin’li blinked in confusion and slipped the switch into his pocket. “I’m goning to tear out your heart and eat it!â€
“This one just pressed the button. You have one minute to press it again before the collar on her neck explodes.â€
You…you.†Askier lifted his arm and began firing bullets from thebarrel at the base of the arm. “Die you runt bastard!â€
The bullets flew forward but before they struck Jin’li, several crows sprang forward and exploded in a shower of blood and feathers as each took a bullet. With the death of the crows, the rest of the flock rose into the air around them and began swirling around, their caws mixing with the din of the thunder and lighting. Askier howled and ran forward. The murder of crows suddenly parted and Jin’li aimed his own gunblade at Askier.
The bomb maker threw himself aside into the swirling mass of birds to avoid the shot and the mass of crows closed again to prevent Askier a retaliatory shot.
Askier picked himself up and reach into his coat and heaved three grenades forward. They exploded and pounds of feathers and fettered gore splattered on the ground. Askier used the brief gap in the crow wall to take a shot at Jin’li. Another crow exploded as it took the bullet and Askier dashed forward as he reloaded, the Garlean pulling his goggles down over his eyes as he rushed through the mass.
“I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!†Askier howled as he continued to throw grenades, slowly thinning out the mass of bireds. Fired danced on burning feathers as lighting flashed overhead.
“Your allies tried to before. As is evident, they failed.†Came Jin’li’s voice from behind. Askier spun and fired as Jin’li slowly slipped through the wall of flapping wings.
“Everything ends.†Askier snarled.
“Yes, but today is not this one’s end.†Jin’li spoke. Askier spun, but felt the barrel of Jin’li’s gun against his stomach as Jin’li emerged from the wall of birds. “It’s yours.â€
Jin’li fired and Askier recoiled backwards, his blood splattering on the ground as he slammed down. Jin’li stepped forward, his silver gunblade aimed at Askier’s chest.
“Fuck you!†Askier howeled as he lifted theg un arm and fired. Jin’li’s body flew backwards as the round sent, a fountain of blood spraying from the wound as he slammed onto the ground.
The whirling vortex of crows suddenly rose into the tempest and was gone.
Askier felt the blood oozing from his side and groaned as he blinked, slowly shifting himself around and forward. He was in agonized pain, but his mind could only process on thought, one need, to press that button and save Ashwynn. He crawled up and limped over to the still body of Jin’li. Askier reached into the pocket and pressed the switch. Askier looked over at Ashwynn and felt his stomach turn. The collar was beeping suddenly.
“Askier!†Ashwynn screamed, knowing the sound. Askier sprinted forward. He had to disarm the collar, he…..
“Ashwynn noo!†Askier screamed as he heard the telltale beep that preceded the collar’s detonation.
“Askier…I-“ Ashwynn had tears rolling down her face but whatever she was going to say was cut off as the collar burst at the front of her throat. Blood splattered Askier as a hole seven inched wide was blasted into Ashwynn’s neck and severed chunks of her spinal column. The dead woman’s eyes were wide as her head listed forward and hung unnaturally while blood oozed down her chest.
“Ashwynn!†Askier screamed and feel to his knees before his dead wife. The Garlean reached out with trembling hands and held her feet in them, tears running out of his eyes as he looked up at the corpse that had moments before been alive.
“No.no.no.no.†Askier sobbed, his words repeated over and over like a spell, as if saying that word fast and often enough might resurrect her, might deny reality. It failed. The rain came with Askier’s tears. A torrential downpour that soaked the garlean in moments as he knelt there before his bride.
Askier didn’t hear the footsteps or the cocking of the gun. But he did feel the gunblade shoved to the back of his head.
“How does it feel, Master Mergrey, to have kill the Lady Adonis? This one never pressed the button. Had you just died or walked away, she could have lived. But this one knows you, knows your anger and this one broke you, just as this one broke Master Melkire.â€
“Why?†Askier choked out, his tears lost in the rain as his own blood drained from his side and mixed with the puddle of water and blood from his dead wife. “Why?â€
“To show you a kindness, to free you from your self-inflicted chains.
Askier looked up at his dead wife. He thought of his friends. Chains. Those he loved had never been chains. They had been the pillars that built him up, they had broken his chains. They had all helped him, loved him, aided him, they were his strength, not his confinement. They were just the opposite of what his mad little brother assumed. No, what his mad brother could never understand. Not anymore.
“Kanaria was right.†Askier choked out. “You are to be pitied. You won’t die because you are afraid. Because you are all alone. You’re a coward too weak to man up and do what you are supposed to. You are apathetic piece of shite.â€
“Death is the final master, defying it is the ultimate rebellion.†Jin’li explained.
Askier lifted his head and began laughing wildly as he reached into his coat and seized a special grenade. He pulled it and fixed his eyes on his little brother. Jin’li’s crows shot down like a bullet from the clouds and started forming a wall between Askier and Jin’li as Askier pulled the pin of the grenade.
“Fuck you.â€
There was a small flash of light and then an explosion. The wall of crows absorbed most of the blast but Jin’li was thrown backwards and went tumbling across the gravel, bouncing several times and skidding to a stop.
The rain fell on the white haired miqo’te as thunder roared. Black blood oozed around him. Jin’li’s black eyes saw beyond the veil of life and death. He saw the countless chains for Nald’thal flung forward and seize him, binding him, trying to drag him into the void where he belonged. Jin’li resisted his will and soul fighting back against the flow of death. He stood defiant.
“This one is not your slave.†Jin’li spoke flatly, his lips trembling as his body stirred. “This one will not bow to your will or any save this one’s own. This one..no.. I-“ Jin’li paused and his black eyes flung open. Jin’li felt the chains of death weakening. “I am Jin’li Epinoch! I am my own master! And I will enter your realm when I, not you, am ready! My will cannot be denied!†The chains slipped away and Jin’li was left on the living side of the veil once again.
Jin’li turned his head and gazed at the crater Askier’s grenade had made. He stared at it and slowly picked himself up to his feet, the massive crow flapping over to him and offering him the silver sword. Jin’li took it and limped forward, his feet splashing in puddles as he approached the metal arm that had once been part of Askier. Jin’li holstered his gunblade before he bent down and picked up the limb. Jin’li inspected it and then paused, sniffing it.
There was an extra smell there, of something other than just explosive powder, and extra residue. Jin’li blinked and nodded.
“How interesting. Rest easy, Master Mergrey and Lady Adonis. May you be chained in slavery together forever.â€
Without another word, Jin’li turned and slowly began limping away, the thunder roaring across the land as he set his course towards Ul'dah.
(To be continued in "The Kindly Mr. Epinoch.")
Askier approached the nearest barn, a roar of thunder filling the air. As Askier gripped the door handle and opened it, a crow shot out from inside, its mouth emitting a horrible cawing noise. Askier jumped but slipped inside, pulling the door shut behind him.
Rows and rows wine barrels rose around him and Askier rubbed his face and filled his nostrils with the smells of the aging red wine. The smell was vibrant and rich, and Askier was excited to try this new batch, which was only a few months away from being done fermenting. Pondering what the rich wine must taste like, he slowly walked over to a barrel and placed his hand against it.
How simple his existence was now. Routine, uneventful, and yet satisfying. He was happy in this serenity.
Askier’s reflection was interrupted as the door opened. A man dressed in white, the vineyard owner, entered and fixed Askier with a wide eyes stare. The man’s face was ashen and he swallowed before speaking.
“Jin’a…†the man said slowly, looking at Askier. “I…you have a visitor.â€
Askier paused. His employers current appearance wasn’t missed, neither was the man’s apprehensive tone.
“Who?†Askier said slowly, his mind pondering the very long list of people who wanted him dead.
“I...I don’t know.†The man stammered. “He simply gave me a message. He told you that death has been kind.â€
Askier’s reaction was automatic, as if he had just had a dead rat thrust at him. He lurched back and his eyes went wide. There was an instant of panic before he flushed as red as his coat and stormed forward, his metal hand seizing the hyur’s collar.
“You said, kind?†Askier screamed aloud, his eyes narrowed to slits. “You are sure?!â€
The man I white tried to recoil but Askier’s grasp was too tight and all he could manage was an awkward nod. Askier hissed and gnashed his teeth as he released the man.
“Get your family and get the hell out of here!†Askier ordered as he went for the door. The Garlean paused in the door way and looked back at the man as he picked himself off the dusty ground. “And don’t stop running.†Askier flung his coat open and walked out.
Beneath his coat danced nearly countless grenades and explosives with extra rounds of ammunition for his gun arm. Askier walked, his right hand flicking off the safety to his metal arm as he rounded the barn and began walking towards the large, gravel covered area that was formed in a circle around a fountain between the buildings.
Askier blinked, and, despite his anger, was surprised. There must have been several hundred crows resting around the area, covering the fountain, the building tops, standing still on the ground.
But the surprise melted away once again into anger as a gust of wind tore at the figure wearing black, leaning on a sword for support, his black eyes locked with Askier’s golden orbs.
Askier closed the distance to his half-brother before he came to stop a couple dozen feet away. The approaching storm towered above them and there was a splattering of rain now, a few, random drops striking the ground between them.
Jin’li bowed his head to Askier.
“Master Mergrey, I-“
“Shut the hells up.†Askier snarled, his teeth flashing as he recalled how the wretched runt before him had held his sister in a prison for years on end to force him to build a bomb to destroy Ul’dah. “You should be dead.â€
“So should you be.†Jin’li replied, lifting his head and leaning calmly on his sword. “It seems death is but an illusion for us both.â€
“Not exactly.†Askier snarled. “I never died and had my body burned.†Askier lifted his gun arm and leveled it at Jin’li’s chest.
“Then you were never free.†Jin’li said, and Askier’s face recoiled in disgust as Jin’li smiled, the lips on the left side of Jin’li’s face pulling back to reveal yellow fangs. It was the only time Askier had ever seen the male display emotion of any type, and it was a wretched, false impression of joy and Askier wanted to destroy it. Askier went to fire his gun arm, but before he could, the crows covering the fountain rose into the air all at once and Askierfroze.
Tied to the fountain with thick coils of robe was Ashwynn, her eyes wide in terror and a metal collar around her neck, a type of collar Askier new all too well. An explosive one.
“Ashwynn!†Askier shouted in a panic, his mouth going dry. “You son of a bitch, let her go you runt!â€
The white haired miqo’te looked from Ashwynn to Askier as his smile faded.
“Askier, help.†Ashwynn sobbed, knowing what the collar was capable of doing. Jin’li pulled out a small switch and held it in his free hand.
“I will, Ash just…what do you want you vermin! Havn’t you ruined my life enough?!†Askier raged, his face blood red. Jin’li’s smile faded and he lifted the button.
“Freedom for all.†Jin’li said calmly.
“This is not freedom!†Askier snarled.
“Chaos is freedom.†Jin’li answered. “Break the chains, all that bind, and you will be free. Do not and your love will drag you both into death and eternal service to that fate.â€
“Insanity really does run in the family.†Askier howled above the roar of the rising wind. Jin’li blinked in confusion and slipped the switch into his pocket. “I’m goning to tear out your heart and eat it!â€
“This one just pressed the button. You have one minute to press it again before the collar on her neck explodes.â€
You…you.†Askier lifted his arm and began firing bullets from thebarrel at the base of the arm. “Die you runt bastard!â€
The bullets flew forward but before they struck Jin’li, several crows sprang forward and exploded in a shower of blood and feathers as each took a bullet. With the death of the crows, the rest of the flock rose into the air around them and began swirling around, their caws mixing with the din of the thunder and lighting. Askier howled and ran forward. The murder of crows suddenly parted and Jin’li aimed his own gunblade at Askier.
The bomb maker threw himself aside into the swirling mass of birds to avoid the shot and the mass of crows closed again to prevent Askier a retaliatory shot.
Askier picked himself up and reach into his coat and heaved three grenades forward. They exploded and pounds of feathers and fettered gore splattered on the ground. Askier used the brief gap in the crow wall to take a shot at Jin’li. Another crow exploded as it took the bullet and Askier dashed forward as he reloaded, the Garlean pulling his goggles down over his eyes as he rushed through the mass.
“I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!†Askier howled as he continued to throw grenades, slowly thinning out the mass of bireds. Fired danced on burning feathers as lighting flashed overhead.
“Your allies tried to before. As is evident, they failed.†Came Jin’li’s voice from behind. Askier spun and fired as Jin’li slowly slipped through the wall of flapping wings.
“Everything ends.†Askier snarled.
“Yes, but today is not this one’s end.†Jin’li spoke. Askier spun, but felt the barrel of Jin’li’s gun against his stomach as Jin’li emerged from the wall of birds. “It’s yours.â€
Jin’li fired and Askier recoiled backwards, his blood splattering on the ground as he slammed down. Jin’li stepped forward, his silver gunblade aimed at Askier’s chest.
“Fuck you!†Askier howeled as he lifted theg un arm and fired. Jin’li’s body flew backwards as the round sent, a fountain of blood spraying from the wound as he slammed onto the ground.
The whirling vortex of crows suddenly rose into the tempest and was gone.
Askier felt the blood oozing from his side and groaned as he blinked, slowly shifting himself around and forward. He was in agonized pain, but his mind could only process on thought, one need, to press that button and save Ashwynn. He crawled up and limped over to the still body of Jin’li. Askier reached into the pocket and pressed the switch. Askier looked over at Ashwynn and felt his stomach turn. The collar was beeping suddenly.
“Askier!†Ashwynn screamed, knowing the sound. Askier sprinted forward. He had to disarm the collar, he…..
“Ashwynn noo!†Askier screamed as he heard the telltale beep that preceded the collar’s detonation.
“Askier…I-“ Ashwynn had tears rolling down her face but whatever she was going to say was cut off as the collar burst at the front of her throat. Blood splattered Askier as a hole seven inched wide was blasted into Ashwynn’s neck and severed chunks of her spinal column. The dead woman’s eyes were wide as her head listed forward and hung unnaturally while blood oozed down her chest.
“Ashwynn!†Askier screamed and feel to his knees before his dead wife. The Garlean reached out with trembling hands and held her feet in them, tears running out of his eyes as he looked up at the corpse that had moments before been alive.
“No.no.no.no.†Askier sobbed, his words repeated over and over like a spell, as if saying that word fast and often enough might resurrect her, might deny reality. It failed. The rain came with Askier’s tears. A torrential downpour that soaked the garlean in moments as he knelt there before his bride.
Askier didn’t hear the footsteps or the cocking of the gun. But he did feel the gunblade shoved to the back of his head.
“How does it feel, Master Mergrey, to have kill the Lady Adonis? This one never pressed the button. Had you just died or walked away, she could have lived. But this one knows you, knows your anger and this one broke you, just as this one broke Master Melkire.â€
“Why?†Askier choked out, his tears lost in the rain as his own blood drained from his side and mixed with the puddle of water and blood from his dead wife. “Why?â€
“To show you a kindness, to free you from your self-inflicted chains.
Askier looked up at his dead wife. He thought of his friends. Chains. Those he loved had never been chains. They had been the pillars that built him up, they had broken his chains. They had all helped him, loved him, aided him, they were his strength, not his confinement. They were just the opposite of what his mad little brother assumed. No, what his mad brother could never understand. Not anymore.
“Kanaria was right.†Askier choked out. “You are to be pitied. You won’t die because you are afraid. Because you are all alone. You’re a coward too weak to man up and do what you are supposed to. You are apathetic piece of shite.â€
“Death is the final master, defying it is the ultimate rebellion.†Jin’li explained.
Askier lifted his head and began laughing wildly as he reached into his coat and seized a special grenade. He pulled it and fixed his eyes on his little brother. Jin’li’s crows shot down like a bullet from the clouds and started forming a wall between Askier and Jin’li as Askier pulled the pin of the grenade.
“Fuck you.â€
There was a small flash of light and then an explosion. The wall of crows absorbed most of the blast but Jin’li was thrown backwards and went tumbling across the gravel, bouncing several times and skidding to a stop.
The rain fell on the white haired miqo’te as thunder roared. Black blood oozed around him. Jin’li’s black eyes saw beyond the veil of life and death. He saw the countless chains for Nald’thal flung forward and seize him, binding him, trying to drag him into the void where he belonged. Jin’li resisted his will and soul fighting back against the flow of death. He stood defiant.
“This one is not your slave.†Jin’li spoke flatly, his lips trembling as his body stirred. “This one will not bow to your will or any save this one’s own. This one..no.. I-“ Jin’li paused and his black eyes flung open. Jin’li felt the chains of death weakening. “I am Jin’li Epinoch! I am my own master! And I will enter your realm when I, not you, am ready! My will cannot be denied!†The chains slipped away and Jin’li was left on the living side of the veil once again.
Jin’li turned his head and gazed at the crater Askier’s grenade had made. He stared at it and slowly picked himself up to his feet, the massive crow flapping over to him and offering him the silver sword. Jin’li took it and limped forward, his feet splashing in puddles as he approached the metal arm that had once been part of Askier. Jin’li holstered his gunblade before he bent down and picked up the limb. Jin’li inspected it and then paused, sniffing it.
There was an extra smell there, of something other than just explosive powder, and extra residue. Jin’li blinked and nodded.
“How interesting. Rest easy, Master Mergrey and Lady Adonis. May you be chained in slavery together forever.â€
Without another word, Jin’li turned and slowly began limping away, the thunder roaring across the land as he set his course towards Ul'dah.
(To be continued in "The Kindly Mr. Epinoch.")