This linkshell is meant to keep Roleplayers and their companies in the know for events, RP invites/gatherings, dungeons and general aid for fellow roleplayers.
Users are encouraged to use this linkshell to let people know where their characters are located and that they are available for RP. If you are having a small get together and would be interested in having a few more join this is also a good linkshell to use.
All who love RP are welcome so long as they are respectful to their fellow player.
This linkshell is not meant to be used as FC recruitment and advertisement. Nor is it meant to be used to single out players or FCs in any sort of negative light.
Harassment in the channel should not be happening but if it does please contact M'elodie Valtyr about the issue.
This channel is regularly maintained, if you are accidentally removed by wrongful perception of inactivity please just ask for an invite or talk to me personally. It could just be that by happenstance my hours never sync with yours and I am unable to record your name as being online for 2+ weeks.
If you are looking for an IC linkshell might I suggest Sellswords.