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The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
11-30-2014, 12:19 AM
"Exquisite...just, exquisite."
G'leo jars awake in his darkened cell as a silhouette appears before the door. He cannot distinguish the face of the large form of the man who stands there, but his presence incites an air of unease. "It's a fine specimen if I do say so myself master," speaks a voice from behind the figure; the voice much less booming than the first. "But this one is clearly ragged, and it looks far to savage a prize. Shall we not continue our inspection before we choose upo-" "No, we shall not." The first lines of a face can be seen as the much larger shadow turns his head. The traces of light from the torch, which were previously blocked out by the man, begin to display the distinct facial features of a dark-skinned Roegadyn with ebony hair. "It shall do just fine. You would do well to remember, that an esteemed man such as myself seeks the most exotic and rare finds this world has to offer, and since you are clearly lacking in a keener-eye, this one..." pointing back to G'leo. "Is of a unique breed and status. I want this one." The Miqo'te rises up from the makeshift bed of straw and cloth, stepping closer to the bars which separate him from the giant. "Who are you, and why have you come here?" The Roe fixes his gaze on G'leo's eyes; a wince of what appears to be disgust crosses his face. G'leo's question remains unanswered as the man turns around addressing his comrade. "Yes, this one will do just fine." The Roe joins the second; a tall, slender framed Elezen nods his head to his master, and offers a scowl in G'leo's direction. The guard on duty stands with them and escorts them both out of the cell block. He happens to have been flipping a large, gold coin in the air as he walks G'leo watches them leave as silently as they came, but the feeling of unease doesn't accompany them as they depart. |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-01-2014, 01:44 AM
The Roe and his Elezen companion explore the hall outside of Lady Crote's office. Both having recently escorted have waited a fair amount of time for the Sultansworn's appearance; men of their class were not meant to be kept waiting, and the Roe elite clearly wasn't having a comfortable time doing so.
The Elezen was busy inspecting a painting of the Sultana in finer detail through half-mooned glasses, while the Roe stands still as a statue, hands behind in back, next to a very plush looking bench. He refused to sit on it on the pretense of finding it dusty and "lumpy-looking." "Sir, are you sure you wouldn't rather just send a letter to the knight?" the Elezen pushes his long, white hair back as he addresses his master. "The prisoner isn't going anywhere after all." "No, we will wait here until she returns." The Roe barks out resolutely. "The Flame officers of the prison were paid a well enough sum to provide us with at least a temporary service of loyalty...besides, I don't want my claim wasting away any longer in that dingy piece of shite they call a prison. The Flame's reputation for the care of their prisoners isn't glamorous by any means, I don't want them to spoil my prize." The Elezen nods his head simply with a long, over-exaggerated sigh. He really does hope she shows up soon for his master really isn't one to be kept waiting. |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-01-2014, 10:56 AM
Coatleque arrived per her usual time coming from the palace. She was walking with another speaking low as they rounded the corner. The pair ignored the Roe and his Elezen hound as they moved right to her office door. She stopped to unlock it before turning back to the other Sworn she was with.
"She will have to talk sometime. If she does not give me something to go off of, I will not be able to stay Anduron's hand much longer. He is not stupid, and knows it is a matter of time before the Captain forces me to relinquish her. I pray Captain Mynheir can at least offer some resistance when the time comes." That was when she actually noticed her two guests - one of them looking rather impatient. She nodded to her comrade whom promptly saluted and continued on his way. Opening the door she gestured to the finer dressed Roe whom she assumed was in charge between the two. "Good day, Sir. You look as if you were waiting for something. Might I help you?" She did not wait for a response before stepping into the cramped office, quickly removing a small stack of papers from the desk and shoving them into a drawer. |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-01-2014, 03:09 PM
The Roe directs a look towards the Sultansworn as he passes by his servant, but it is the Elezen who steps into the office to answer.
"Pardon me my Lady, but yes, we do have some business to discuss. I will speak on behalf of my master, Lord Fortomb, as his representative." The Elezen says after an extravagantly performed bow. "My name is Balthamon, and it is quite the honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Crofte." Fortomb focuses his gaze on the Sultansworn as he attempts to assess her; it is stony, if not a bit lifeless gaze. His counterpart, however, is more enthralled by the sight of the Sultansworn's office and looks around in awe. His overly-flamboyant clothes match noting in the decor of the room. "Lord Fortomb, and myself (doesn't want to leave himself out), have stumbled upon the knowledge that you have acquired a certain select, "elite" prisoner by the name of G'leo Nuhn. He has been following his bounty quite closely, and found it...rather enticing that Nuhn would be hunted down in the city of Ul'dah. Even more remarkable enough to hear that said Nuhn actually turned himself into your custody, considering the charges pressed against him." Balthamon offers a knowing smirk to Crofte. The guards were bribed not to tell her that they both were in the prison not to long ago. "Lord Fortomb, and myself, would like to remove the prisoner from the Flame cell. The Lord offers to pay his bail, as well as interest, for the Nuhn's custody into his care." |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-01-2014, 06:32 PM
As the one called Balthamon spoke, she had circled the desk and sat down. Her fingers she laced in front of her on the desk as she had seen her Captain do many times before. She listened to the man's proposal in its entirety, not batting an eyelash or betraying any emotion at how well informed they seemed to be. Her eyes did not leave the one who was talking all the while. It may have even seemed as if she was ignoring the Roe now since he hadn't the time to use his own breath on her.
"Absolutely not.", she replied curtly at the end of his speech. Her expression remained calm as she regarded the man, waiting for his next set of terms. |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 02:22 AM
A scowl sets on the Roe's face, but it isn't directed at Crofte.
His servant takes note of it, gulping as he turns to face her again. "M'lady, this is certainly a first...you would turn down the Nuhn's opportunity at a second chance. Would it not be wiser to bring the (need I remind you) prisoner who is wanted for treason, murder, and theft into a more civilized abode where he might be better educated and watched over carefully rather than in a cell which affords him no better state of living? Money, of course, isn't an obstacle for us, Lady Crofte. You merely have to name a price, and the master can pay for it. Please...explain your reasoning, I'm sure we both would like to hear why." Lord Fortomb turns his gaze back to Lady Crofte. A knowing look etched on his face; he actually seems amused watching his servant's attempt at persuading the Sultansworn. ------------------------Meanwhile-------------------------- G'leo is pacing in his cell like a caged lion. "Sit back down will you, savage. You're making mah nauseous just watchin' you." G'leo takes a breath, sitting on the hard ground. He flinches as he actually manages to sit on his own tail...Not a good sign. The guard on duty leans back in his chair; balancing somewhat expertly as he peels an apple with a blunt knife. "Yah not goin' anywheres animal, and wearin' a hole in tha ground would afford you nuffin' to overcome 'at fever ya 'ave to get outdoors. Just sit on yah arse an' be still." G'leo watches the guard rock back and forth. "Is there no way to at least get a cell with a window? Something...I don't understand how the people in the city are able to stand remaining in such tight quarters for so long." "Eh, well ya get used to it. 'Ere." He tosses G'leo a sliver of the apple, which he catches. "Tell us a story, eh? Sumfin' about where ya from?" G'leo looks at the guard. "There are many stories to tell...what kind do you wish to hear?" "Sumfin' good...sumfin'...sumfin' wif' a woman, eh?" He sounds a little bit enthused. "You lot got anythin' like that, if ya get mah meanin'?" G'leo chuckles. "Aye, I understand...Hmm...I suppose, The Nuhn and the White Rose would be appropriate. Long ago, back when my father's father was but a boy, there was a Nuhn by the name of G'usemet Rah Nuhn..." |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 10:56 AM
Her expression did not change as she listened to his second plea. If she felt anything at all it would be sympathy that the man had no choice but to try again. She turned one hand over in a questioning sort of gesture.
"Apologies, but you misunderstand me. Even if I wanted to hand him over to you, it is not within my power to do so. It was not Ul'dah who wanted this man, but his home tribe. The reward they offered the state was significantly more than the bounty we offered for his capture, and I am not about to step on some monetarists toes to hand him over to you now. As of now he is being kept at the Hall of Flames until his tribe comes to collect him. When last I checked the Flames are not in the habit of selling prisoners. What interest is this man to you anyroad?" |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 11:36 AM
"The immediate concern for the Nuhn is it's own well being; our intentions being purely noble a-"
"Shut up, you idiot. This isn't an argument you can win by your silver tongue alone." Lord Fortomb looks to his servant in disgust. He motions his head towards the door; dismissing the defeated looking Balthamon. The Elezen rises, as he attempts to regain his composure, bows politely to Crofte, and saunters his way out of the room. He closes the door with practiced hand, leaving only a 'click' as the door shuts. Lord Fortomb turns his attention back to Lady Crofte, scrutinizing her as any predator would. He approaches the desk, resting a large hand on it as a kickstand for his frame. "Tell me Mrs. Crofte, what is it that you stand for as a Sultansworn?" |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 03:46 PM
Coatleque watched as the Roe whipped his cur into submission and pushed him out the door. As the door closed, she sighed and folded her hands once more on the desk. As the man turned his eyes upon her she met his scrutiny with her own measured glare.
"It is Miss, thank you, and you are certainly a stranger to Ul'dah if you do not know what this office stands for; Seeing how it is lambasted by the Lantern at least twice a week. So this is your chosen strategy already then? You bring mine own loyalties into question and then spend much needed breath on systematically proving how they are flawed to try and gain some form of leverage, and then use said lever to pry what you want out of me. A tiring game these politics are. Perhaps I should save you the trouble and merely reiterate what I've already told your servant. Oh, but you have left me at a disadvantage, Master... ?" |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 04:14 PM
A wicked smile stretches across the Roe's face. He never averts his gaze from Crofte, even as he begins to chuckle. "Amusing...really. It is Lord Fortomb, in case you had forgotten."
"You're right about one thing, but that is all, I am not from Ul'dah. I find this place to be a retched pool of worms, climbing atop each other's backs, but finding only their efforts for naught; for a bird will always come...and swipe away the ones that rise to the top. You're reputation as a Sworn is not withstanding, I myself can admire the position from which you lead as a military man myself; long ago of course." He walks boldly around her desk, flanking it as he drags his hand across it's surface, even moving behind her chair as he speaks. His eyes fixed on her. "Your loyalties are not in question today, Miss Crofte, we both know what position you stand on...and that this isn't one that is earned easily. Even you have to walk on the backs of others. I don't give a damn about your false impression of me coming here today was, but what I do care for is your answer to my question...what is it you stand for?" He stops again as he stands in front of her desk, his back facing her, but his eyes still looking in her direction. "You've made your point about the prisoner, that much is clear, but I'm not as interested right now in the pissant as I am you...what is it you stand for, or rather...what is it you stand upon?" |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-02-2014, 05:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2014, 05:04 PM by Coatleque.)
She sat rather uncomfortably as the man circled her desk, only moving to lean back when he stopped at the front once more.
"I appreciate your bravado, Master Fortomb, but you have just admitted to being the foreigner here. Quite odd that you come seeking me out and then demand that I declare mine intentions to you. I serve the interests of her Grace, Nanamo Ul'Namo, the right and proper ruler of Thanalan. Is this answer sufficient for you? Perhaps I should ask whom you serve as well?" |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-03-2014, 01:51 AM
He pats his chest as he laughs. He turns around to actually face her this time. "Such grand assumptions...even for you Miss Sultansworn." He claps for her, slowly. "I didn't come for you, I came for the prisoner; you, my dear, are sadly not as enticing as what we had planned for the Nuhn. As I said before, I don't give a damn about your intentions, all I care about is an answer to my question. Which...you've chosen to evade again, even if you find your answer 'sufficient'." He gradually approaches her desk, searching his pocket for a specific item. The illusion appearing as if he grows in height and size as he walks closer. "Suspicious and honorable to a cause that has you squirming like bait on a hook, even if you don't know it yet. I'll at least answer your question...I don't work for anyone but my own interest, and you have actually managed to pique that." He sets down a card in front of her with his name and an address on it: Hollyfrost Mansion, Middle La Noscea. "Continue your work then, Sultansworn, for I must return to mine. Your suspicions aren't completely wrong, but your assumptions, I'm afraid, will be your undoing. Keep the card, even if you don't want it...You'll be needing it soon enough." He turns around slowly, humming in amusement as he passes through the doorway. His servant waits for him outside, and they exchange a few words before the door shuts with the same dull 'click'. "The seeds we sow, Lord Fortomb, the seeds we sow." |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-03-2014, 02:20 AM
As the door clicked shut she let out a slow breath she did not realize she had been holding. Shaking her head in measured disgust, she opened a desk drawer and withdrew a yellow and orange colored pearl. Switching out the one in her right ear she spoke to no one in particular.
"Commander? Apologies for such short notice. Is the Nunh still in custody? I see... No word yet? Very well. I shall be there shortly. I need a few words with him. Understood. Crofte out." Replacing it with the original peal, she quickly hid it away in her drawer once more before leaving the office and locking the door. |
RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 |
12-04-2014, 05:51 PM
![]() Southern Thanalan
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Forgotten Springs have been void of much attention as of late. Nothing especially new besides the occasional resort goers, adventurers, and Ala Mhigans seeking respite after making their way across the desert. U'odh Nuhn himself has found these past few weeks rather droll without one of his ilk back. The Miqo'te was to return within the month. The shipments U'odh had ordered had arrived on schedule, but the young one didn't return with him. The huntresses had caught wind of his rather unsightly mood; it's never been like him to worry for this long, but nevertheless, he fears the worst. Rumors have spread, even this far on the border of Ul'dah, but he was never one to indulge in rumors. "They arrre like the sand devil, rrrumor's trruth loose powerrr as they continue along through the land" But G'leo has never been away this long without any word... He sits in his usual spot with the door open; His eyes have not left the Aetheryte all day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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