Wanted to fill this out so hopefully make more connections >.< Â Get out of my shell a bit more too. Still really nervous about RPing outside my FC. Â Really bad at interacting with people.
I. Basic InfoÂ
II. RP StyleÂ
III. Other InfoÂ
I. Basic InfoÂ
- Characters: Asheloux Thalantos [have Au Ra alt planned]
- Primary character: Asheloux Thalantos
- Linkshells: Ishgard RP, MYTH RP, Umbra Illustre
- Primary RP linkshell: Myth RP
II. RP StyleÂ
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
- I would like to consider myself someone who, when they are actually doing the roleplay, is a pretty medium-heavy level roleplayer. Â I will mostly write out everything and take the situation pretty seriously and try to make the most out of all interactions. Â However, I am not in character all the time. Â For example, when I am leveling an alternate class I will not be in character. Â I am open to RP of all levels but please use proper english and some obvious indication that you are roleplaying.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- I'm cool with anything as long as it is sensible. Â Not really comfortable with permadeath and no god-modding. Â I think I would have to trust the RP ability of the person I would be fighting with to do something like combat and anything serious would have to be discussed and agreed upon beforehand. Â If Ashe gains a permanent scar or something from it, that's totally cool. Â Wanting to cut off his arm to add to your collection of limbs, you'd need to discuss that with me first. Â Though neither of my characters are really fighters so not sure when the need for battle would actually arise.
- Views on IC romance:
- As long as it's not pre-planned I am okay with it. Â I get really put-off by people coming up to my characters expecting me to just go against their personalities or actual...whatever and be like "Yes, of course I want to marry you!" Â I've also had people ask in tell for IC relationships and marriage before I RP with them and I am really put off by that too. Â Both of my characters are single but it would have to make sense for either of my characters. Â For example, while Ashe is single he isn't exactly romantically interested, nor is he exactly attracted to just anyone. Â So for Ashe, someone would really have to work hard. Â So yeah, as long as it's sensible and not pre-planned all is good. Â As for RPing stuff like...the physical side of romance, I am not really experienced in RPing that kind of stuff and would prefer to fade to black unless you give me some real explanation as to why you want to roleplay that stuff out. Â I guess all I can say is please be sensible.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- Depends on my characters. Â Asheloux's family is dead so that wouldn't make sense but if you come up with something super creative and amazing I'd love to hear it and would totally consider it. Â As long as it's not like Asheloux's long lost brother who escaped Ishgard just to come find him and kill him, it's cool. Â If it's his father's brother or his cousin or something, maybe that could work?...that'd be pretty cool actually haha. Â Once again, just be sensible.
- Views on lore:
- I like to roleplay within the lore of the world that we are in. Â I don't really think it makes sense not to. Â If I wanted to RP another game's lore, I'd go play that game instead. Â That being said, I am not a lore expert. Â I try to be as knowledgable as I can about the world and everything I created in terms of my characters was with lore and world mechanics in mind. Â That being said, any errors made on my part were not intentional and were probably a misunderstanding of something and I'd be happy to correct anything if anyone points something out.Â
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- Everything in say and emote chat is roleplay and will either have quotes, followed by an emote, or a full-blown emote (usually multiple emotes). Â I have never used linkshell for RP but I'd be open to it if it makes it easier to see the chat flow in a crowded area. Â
Anything OOC will be marked with )) at the end of it. Â I have used both say chat with )) or simply using party chat for OOC communication.
III. Other InfoÂ
- Country: Â United States
- Timezone: PST (Norcal)
- Contact info: Â In game tell is fine. Â PM here is good. Â If you're REALLY desperate to get ahold of me my LINE is michichiko. Â Please only use this in an emergency, like if we have something scheduled and you are lost in a desert and only have your LINE app.
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Looking to RP with more Ishgardians.