In the center of New Gridania, just near the Adventurer's Guild and Aetheryte Plaza is placed a large stand that has been lashed down with stakes and ties. Placed on this stand is a large sign written in a flourishing script, and below that is nailed a long scroll with a writing charcoal tied to it.
The sign reads:
Citizens of Eorzea
I was dismayed at the tenor of the last test I had posted ere on similar signage, but despite the appalling content, I was most pleased that a great many of you appear to have a modest grasp of the common tongue and reasonable writing skill. It is to further my findings that this test begins anew.
Should anyone reading this have missed the last test, then I shall explain.
Who I am is not important, but the nature of my work is vital. I intend to discern the ability of our citizenry to communicate effectively and write clearly, as language and oration are of the most important during times of strife and crisis. A soldier's inability to convey threat and a general's failure to clarify orders are the first in a line of casualties of war.
Thus, this test is meant to ensure that those who label themselves as "adventurers" or others who take arms to the defense of our realm are able to clearly communicate to others.
The test shall carry out with these instructions:
I trust that this will not degrade into another terrible piece of buffoonery as the previous test's results had yielded. I have threadbare faith, but faith all the same, that this realm's champions can prove their mental mettle.
Let us begin.
Ser Feodred's blade gleamed menacingly in the sunlight as the knight faced his foe.
The sign reads:
Citizens of Eorzea
I was dismayed at the tenor of the last test I had posted ere on similar signage, but despite the appalling content, I was most pleased that a great many of you appear to have a modest grasp of the common tongue and reasonable writing skill. It is to further my findings that this test begins anew.
Should anyone reading this have missed the last test, then I shall explain.
Who I am is not important, but the nature of my work is vital. I intend to discern the ability of our citizenry to communicate effectively and write clearly, as language and oration are of the most important during times of strife and crisis. A soldier's inability to convey threat and a general's failure to clarify orders are the first in a line of casualties of war.
Thus, this test is meant to ensure that those who label themselves as "adventurers" or others who take arms to the defense of our realm are able to clearly communicate to others.
The test shall carry out with these instructions:
- Attached to this sign you shall see a writing charcoal. You are on your honor to not pilfer this writing tool.
- Taking up said writing tool, each person in turn shall continue a story that I have generously begun.
- Each writer shall continue the story one sentence at a time, leaving off where the previous writer did and following that writer's lead.
I trust that this will not degrade into another terrible piece of buffoonery as the previous test's results had yielded. I have threadbare faith, but faith all the same, that this realm's champions can prove their mental mettle.
Let us begin.
Ser Feodred's blade gleamed menacingly in the sunlight as the knight faced his foe.