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New Job Quest Summaries [spoilers]

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Astrologian Lore Summary[/align]











The Constellations

Gate Unlocking

Lore Behind Spells

Additional Lore






Founded in Sharlayan thousand of years ago, spread trough Eorzea when they settled in the Dravanian Hinterlands.

Three-hundred years ago Adaunel the Younger convinced the Holy See to use astrology to defend themselves from the Dravanian Horde. The first Observatorium can be found in Coerthas, name conveniently The First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena. The Athenaeum Astrologicum in Ishgard was founded by Saint Guenriol.







Ishgardians dislike the Sharlayan way, finding it hocus pocus nonsense. However your whole questline revolves about proving them wrong.

While there are Ishgardians, like Jannequinard who are actively rooting for the Sharlayan way, only seems to get away with it due to his father being due to being the second son of house Durendaire. His uncle, Forlemont, is the head of the Observatorium in Coerthas, finding Sharlayan magic a bunch of nonsense.


In the meanwhile Jannequinard invites Sharlayan astrologians over to Ishgard, to come teach him and the ones willing; but mostly to show the Ishgardians that the Sharlayan way has its merits as well.

Sadly enough they somehow end up crashing in the Shroud instead of ending up where they were supposed to meet. You go out to investigate.


However at freeing the two Sharlayans from bandits you soon find out that the Forum, the ruling body of Sharlayan, does not approve of this at all, and even going as far to send people after the the Sharlayan astrologer grandfather, Mace, and his granddaughter, Leveva.


After saving the two from mercenaries Mace finding himself too old to teach properly, and leaves you with Jannequinard with his granddaughter instead. She is overly happy to teach you, and later on you find out that her father, who has gone missing since she was young, had the same goal of convincing the Ishgardians to grasp onto the Sharlayan way as well.


She takes you to different spots to unlock your connections with the heavens, and gives a history behind the constellations. All in the meanwhile you still have these mercenaries on your tail, and when you end up in Limsa, the Duskwight woman after Leveva even goes as far to try to trick you with glamours thinking it is Leveva you are looking for when she goes missing. Pointing out that glamours do indeed seem to work for race changing!


Eventually Leveva gets granted an audience with the Vault; however this goes not without trouble. Trying to get Forlemont, the Observatorium's boss, to vouch for you is troublesome. Jannequinard is not taken serious by his family at all due to this whoring tendencies, and appears to be disgrace to the name. Forlemont here also calls Leveva a heathen; thinking that the Sharlayan way will distract the Astrologians in Ishgard from their path in their efforts of predicting the attacks of the Dravanian Horde. Oddly enough he does give his seal of approval.


This turns out that he simply tricks you in a trap with the Sharlayans who are looking for Leveva. Jannequinard points out, after you defeat them, that the Tribunal would have him hanged for such, and thus you use this as blackmail to get his 'approval', at least on paper you do.

Talking more with Forlemont you find out the Sharlayans have been plotting this all along, and he aided them due to seeing the benefit of having Jannequinard and Leveva both removed.


Leveva tells you now that more assassination attemps on her have been taken place, even in Ishgard itself. Being unharmed, she explains why she is doing this all; her father, who never returned after he left for his trip, had the same passion of teaching the Ishgardians to way of Sharlayan astrology. Despite never having known him due to her being a newborn when he left, and the objections from her mother, she still felt compelled to follow in his footsteps.


Going out in Coerthas now to spread the good word of Sharlayan astromancy, at first the locals declare it to be heathen. Healing wounded knights leaves the Ishgardian soldiers baffled why they did not embrace the Sharlayan way yet. The knights vouch to get this taught as soon as possible, so they may aid and heal the wounded in battle against the Dravanians.

Here you find out that another Astrologian, a Sharlayan man named Rufin who studied with Jannequinard back in Sharlayan, has been in Falcon's Nest in the past. The man had his throat slit and thrown out to be left for the beasts. People also seem to fear to be branded a heretic and thrown off Witchdrop for supporting the Sharlayan way.


Finally you find out the name of the Duskwight woman who has been following you; Celie. She is indeed send by the Sharlayan ruling body who wants Leveva back for treason; she did not have their permission to do this all. You defeat her and you learn that Mace, the grandfather, saw a vision within the stars and heeded to them to teach the Ishgardians the Sharlayan way, just as his son wanted.

You then find out it was indeed Leveva's father who had himself lynched by a mob of angry peasants.


Continuing your quest to help the Ishgardians, and hopefully knock sense into their minds, you get ambushed by a another Sharlayan astrologian; Sevestre. He tells you he was the one who hired Celie. He is still set onto capturing Leveva, bringing her back, see to her trial and execution; if she indeed taught the Ishgardians "too much". Claiming to have captured Mace, he tries to use him as a way to blackmail Leveva into coming with him, and even going as far to threaten her mother as well. As well you find out Sevestre aspired to be a politician, and was a classmate of Rufin.

He tells Leveva to come to the Answering Quarters if she wishes to see her grandfather again, and in turn be taken back to Sharlayan.

And you save a few more knights, who in turn wish for Sharlayan astromancy to be taught in Ishgard.


In the meanwhile Sevestre stole the dairy of Leveva's father, what points out the connection with Rufin's murder and Sevestre's involvement.


When Leveva decides to show up there, Sevestre backstab you. There is no grandfather, no ship to take Leveva back, instead he seeks to seek to proceed to her execution on the spot.

Knowing powerful magic, Severstre links himself to different Elemental Arcanum in battle. What this does? I have no idea, as I did not fail my AST quest (if anyone did, please let me know!)

Pointed out here as well, that stopping time completely is something what only the most powerful of Astrologians can do.


Defeating him, Leveva makes a pact with him. He lives and he will lie about her whereabouts. He will tell the Forum she has gone missing, and has presumably deceased. Grudgingly he accepts her offer.


Returning to Ishgard you find out that Leveva has cut her hair, and put on another robe, going by the name of Lord Rufin now; acting as if she were her father. Everyone in the Athenaeum thinks no one will fall for it, but they accept it regardless.







Your soulstone is given by Mace, the elderly grandfather of Leveva. He saw the WoL in a vision long before travelling to Eorzea. However it is given after you've done your first job quest at 30. This implies that the soulstone is not needed, and merely an aid as most Soulstones tend to be.






The attire you see on Leveva, Mace and Severstre is the job's gear. The one and only Sharlayan made outfit. Jannequinard however does wear the arm pieces of it, but still has an Ishgardian styled robe on over a Sharlayan one, and this doesn't change after the AST Questline has finished. The other Ishgardian NPCs continue to wear parts of the Astrologian job gear as well, before and after the HW quests. It appears to be possible to get your hands onto a set if you so desired to do such, most likely. By what means? Twelve strike me down for I do not know. Sadly enough the three job questline does not explain how and what the purpose is behind the outfit, or how you can get your hands onto one. All I can state for certain that it is something Sharlayan made.






The star globe is described as your sword and shield both, for it both grands you strength and protection. But most importantly it allows you to see the current stance of the stars into the heavens, allowing you to channel the aether into whatever spell you desire to cast.


Your star globe can be made out of various material. Electrum, Mythril, Cobalt, Mythrithe, Hardsliver. The latter however seems to be 'favoured' one to be produced in Ishgard judging from the leve surrounding it. However the vendor does sell various other options. Whether to take this as lore of just a vendor placed there for player convenience? Probably the last option.


That said another leve points out that the Blacksmiths in Ishgard aren't exactly keen onto forging the star globe in question, but do it anyhow due to the amount of coin offered.



[align=center]The Constellations[/align]

[align=center]Card Art[/align]


The Bole: The gate to the first heaven, the heaven who holds the World Tree. Planted by the Matron (Nophica) and Nurtured by the Keeper (Althyk), the World Tree is the source from which all life is said to have sprung. The trunk of the World Tree, or the Bole, protects the weak, defending them from harm.

Stars: Bright yellow

The Balance: The Balance represents the heaven of fire, a realm made prosperous by the blessing of the Traders (Nald'thal), but at the same time, one whose equilibrium is maintained by the divine judgment of Azeyma, the Warden. Azeyma's might will empower those who would take up their blades and mete divine punishment in the name of the sun goddess.

Stars: Red


The Spire: In the third heaven rises an iron tower of spinning gears and taut springs constructed by the Builder (Byregot) himself. It is assailed without cease by the jealous Destroyer (Rhalgr), but the Destroyer's mighty levinbolts only server to power the spire's clockwork soul. It is through the blessings of both creation and destruction that strength is granted to she who sees her stars rise under this sign.

Stars: Purple


The Arrow: The fourth heaven, or the heaven of wind, was created atop a lofty peak by the Wanderer (Oschon), who's footsteps had been guided by the Navigator (Llymlaen). The wind that blows off Llymlaen's seas guides the arrow fast and true, and so shall deliver the weary souls of those trapped in the mire of confusion, indecision, and over-contemplation.

Stars: Green


The Ewer: It is said through the fifth heaven flows a mighty river carrying the water spilled forth from the Scholar's (Thaliak) vessel. In that water is the knowledge of all that have come before and all who will follow,the Aether spun from the Spinner's (Nymeia) loom, the aether from which all magicks are drawn and to which all magicks return.

Stars: Light blue

The Spear: The Spear is the gate to the sixth heaven, where the Fury (Halone) resides in a palace of ice carved by her own spear, ice formed of moonbeams collected by the Lover (Menphina). The spear fills us not only with the power to overcome our enemies, but also the compassion that is necessary to grant those same enemies mercy.

Stars: White

(Ishgardians may also call this the Halls of Halone. Take it with a grain of salt)



Gate Unlocking[/align]


Gate unlocking is a part of being an Astrologian as well. Far from the monk way of kicking people down in the dirt in the hope of opening them, or dedicated meditation. Astrologians gate unlocking appears a lot more simple. That said it is unlocking these gates is rather a portal to the soul; much like attuning to an aetheryte but on a larger scale level; connecting yourself with the celestial bodies.

Unlocking these gates appears having to wait on the moment they reach the highest and brightest point, when they flow of aether is the strongest in relation to Hydaelyn. What seems to be required is to observe the stars closely, and hope the powers of these celestial bodies flow trough you, thus unlocking the gate. It appears to be, as stated in the quests, really a mind related thing to do this.




Lore Behind Spells[/align]

Diurnal Sect exists out of the sun and the diurnal stars represent the self, the active and expression.

Nocturnal Sect exists out of the celestial bodies ruled by the two moons; stands for the unconscious and the passive. Dalamund stands for the uncontrollable, even after it's disappearance.


Gravity is taking the gravity of a situation, turning it into harm so one may heal in the future.


Royal Road is is drawing onto the power of the stars of whichever card represents it. It can be treacherous, perilous but it can lead men and women to greatness.

Spread is all about patience, keeping the card locked away from when you need it most; one cannot influence which card is drawn, however one can influence when it is read.


Shuffle is about glimpsing into the heavens for the future, however the stars will be out of place, not knowing what will happen next when you draw another card. You are not ignoring or denying a future from happening, merely postponing it.

Synastry temporary entwines the fate of people.


Time Dilation is diverting the straight flow of aether from the celestial bodies, given the impression of time going slower and increasing the duration of beneficial magicks.

Collective Unconsciousness is feeling connected to one another, a link made from aether who allows you to feel their pain, their joy ect. It shapes itself when one feels a close, binding one with the other on an emotional level.


Celestial Stasis is an ancient astromancy spell, denied to exists by the Sharlayans. It halts the heavens completely, thus stopping time for the spells duration.



Additional Lore[/align]

[align=center](All the other lore titbits found in the quests)[/align]

  • Astrologians who teach are addressed as Professor, but the Ishgardians seem keen onto continuing to call them Lord/Lady.
  • Also people on Eorzea are stupid and believe the world is flat.
  • Little Ala Mhigo and Ishgard are compared by Leveva to be equally as stupid due to their continuous strife in one way or the other. One fights for a war they do not understand any longer, the other has fallen from grace.
    She claims that both nations have accepted a fate of suffering, and turned away from the stars while in her opinion, they should be reaching out for them.
  • It points out that Astrologians, and the Sharlayans, accept to their dismay that sometimes empowering the poor, the downtrodden is not to way to go, for they may overthrow those who who stand above them. As Leveva said, who holds the most power in the end are not that willing to share it due to this.
  • Seeing vision in the stars appears to happen as well.
  • Astrologians appear to be alien to Limsa, despite its diversity.
  • The Forum appears to be the judging system of Sharlayan, possibly government as well.
  • Glamours confirmed once more to race/appearance change.
  • "Whores and rainbows" is a saying in Ishgard (lol).
  • Sharlayans find the Isghardians barbarians and savages.
  • The Studium appears to be the Sharlayan school.
  • Aurum Vale holds a lot of gold.
  • Sharlayans think the Eorzeans are unworthy due to their constant slaughter of one another, finding that their knowledge is wasted upon them.
  • After finishing up your Astrologian quest at 60, the NPCs in and around the Athenaeum do not speak overly ill any more of Sharlayan magic. Some do not seem excited at all, others seek to embrace it.
  • Low-born and nobles both have been flocking to the Athenaeum to be taught Sharlayan astromancy.
  • The Holy See allows it now due to its popularity, and that way gaining somewhat control over it.
  • Thaumaturgy and conjury have been around in Ishgard for ages.
  • New celestial maps are being drawn up due to Sharlayan astromancy being a part of Ishgard as well now, much to the dismay of the Ishgardian astrologers put to the task.




50 AST Quest: What's Your Sign

50 AST Quest: Stairway To The Heavens

30 AST Quest: Fortune Favors The Bole

35 AST Quest: Hanging In The Balance

40 AST Quest: A Lesson In Patience

40 AST Quest: Slings And Arrows

45 AST Quest: Ewer Right

50 AST Quest: Love By The Sun

50 AST Quest: Spearheading Intiatives

50 AST Quest: Sharlayan Ascending

52 AST Quest: Empty Nest

54 AST Quest: Conviction

56 AST Quest: Feather In The Cap

58 AST Quest: Trumped

60 AST Quest: The Hands Of Fate

Sightseeing Log: The Observatorium. History information.

Jannequinard Wiki Entry: Wiki tends to be filled with headcanons as well. Keep this in mind.

Forelmort Wiki Entry: Wiki tends to be filled with headcanons as well. Keep this in mind.

The Fault In Our Cards: Fortune Telling lore ish stuff.

Halls of Halone Lore

Starglobe Leve: Material

Starglobe Leve

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There was very little lore of note from WAR's new questline. I took some screenies though that I can put up after I get off work. The most important tidbit to RPers is that the Maelstrom is now officially training Warriors out of their marauders. So if your character was looking for an easy IC way to become a Warrior without finding an isolated Hellsguardian village in Abalathia's Spine, join the Maelstrom.

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There was very little lore of note from WAR's new questline. I took some screenies though that I can put up after I get off work. The most important tidbit to RPers is that the Maelstrom is now officially training Warriors out of their marauders. So if your character was looking for an easy IC way to become a Warrior without finding an isolated Hellsguardian village in Abalathia's Spine, join the Maelstrom.


Also, that going cray cray with the Inner Beast can be tempered by actually doing your goddamn job (aka defending allies). The beast craves conflict, it's up to you to pick the right battles.

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Preliminary DRG post.


50 Quest


Alberic asks for your help to train Heustienne, a Dragoon who aided you previously via overseeing your trials to get the Drachen Mail. Before you can meet her however, there is news of a dragon attack and you are sent to help while Alberic fetches Heustienne. 


You arrive at the scene, Dragoons lay dead save one, you rescue that one and Alberic and Heustienne arrive just in time to witness your skill with the spear. Heustienne wants to train under you because as an adventurer, your spearwork has been honed against all sorts of foes as opposed to exclusively dragons and she hopes it would give her an edge against one of Nidhogg's commander Graoully who has recently been terrorizing the area. 


you accept taking her as your pupil.



52 Quest


You are asked to seek out Heustienne to further her training and find her in Western Coerthas near the pike, she is on her knees, exhausted with more dragons closing in, you dispatch the remainders and help her to her feet. She apologizes for already starting off poorly but says she would have been capable of killing them all ahd she relied on her techniques instead of trying to emulate you. However, she says that she would not learn a thing if she did.


She asks you to demonstrate your handiwork once more and so you seek a live target. After dispatching the foe she is confused for it seems that your technique and hers is identical. Though Heustienne gains nothing, by reanalyzing your fighting technique you develop Battle Litany and tell her of it (which to me seemed like a hilarious dick move). Heustienne had never considered bringing out the strength of her allies, saying that Dragoons focus on individually hitting harder and faster. 


She invites you back to the Congregation in Foundation so you can see where the Dragoons live. It is there you meet her father, a retired Dragoon that, as Alberic later explains, was of great skill and renown. it is clear Heustienne wishes to follow in her father's footsteps and her father even gives her the family lance Peregrinne to her. Alberic later tells you that Heustienne and Estinien were near equals and the only difference is that the Eye chose Estinien instead. Because of this, Heustienne tosses herself into battle constantly "Bordering on self punishment" in a desire to become stronger and defend Ishgard.


54 Quest: 


Graoully has been sighted in Western Coerthas and Heustienne leads a Dragoon force out to meet him. Fearing for her safety, Alberic asks you to go as well. it was good that you did for of the force only Heustienne and Brucemont remain and Brucemont is severely wounded. You help Heustienne drive off the remaining dragons and she curses that Graoully is nowhere to be found despite all the losses. It is then that Graoully shows up from under a ridge and begins to fly off, Heustienne, Peregrinne in hand, boldly leaps to fight the Dragon, piercing its back and the dragon carries her off into the distance back towards Dravania. 


It is a apparent many Dragoons have died this way for Brucemont hands you a piece of Heustienne's armor that had fallen off in combat as a way to give the news to her father. Upon giving the piece he does not accept that she had died for no one had seen her fall off. Alberic promises to keep an eye out for her.


56 Quest:


Alberic has sighted a Heretic in Western Coerthas carrying a lance that looked much like Peregrinne. He asks you to investigate. You meet up with Temple Knights that have tailed the heretics to a corner of Western Coerthas. Inside a cave you are greeted by an Aevis and a Heretic guarding a bound and dirtied Heustienne, stripped of her armor. Once you deal with the heretics and free Heustienne she tells you that the dragon had carried her off into heretic territory before she could hop off and that they overpowered and divested her of her spear and armor.


The person who has the spear is a heretic leader that had left moments before your arrival to speak with others. She says it is clear they plan an assault on Ishgard proper and that you need to warn them. She elects to remain behind in order to get more information but also asks you to relay to her father that she is indeed dead. Before setting off she winces in pain and shakes it off saying it is nothing.


Upon returning to Alberic and Montorgains (her father) you tell them of the heretic plot and regardless of remaining silent or telling the truth of Heustienne's fate, they find out that she is indeed alive and had elected to stay behind.


58 Quest:


Heustienne's father and Alberic go with you to seek out Heustienne and try to get her back. After searching you find her after a trail of carnage and dragon corpses and retrieved Peregrinne in hand. Finally confronted, Heustienne says that the Heretics forced her to drink dragon's blood and thus the inquisitors will find her to be a heretic regardless of how she had drank it. Not only that but her body is changing, wanting to turn but only Heustienne's will prevents her from doing so. Alberic says its only a matter of time since the mind must change once the body does. Begrudgingly they let her go.


60 Quest: Graoully has once again been sighted in Coerthas and as such Alberic concluded Heustienne would be there as well. You are sent to find her. She is about to square off against the dragon and you help her. After the fight Heustienne's father and Alberic beg her to return to Ishgard, that they would take the secret of the dragon's blood to their graves. Heustienne declines, saying she now has the power needed to fight the dragons and so would continue on her crusade. She departs.



Overall enjoyable quest line that led to a good deal of Dragoon related lore such as their barracks, the freedom of expression (your armor can be an odd color if you wish, you don't need to use the Dragoon lance) the general independence or solitary nature such that despite fighting in squads or groups they tend to fight for themselves or there are no Dragoon specific techniques designed for teamwork. Also you find that Dragoons of Ishgard are HIGHLY specialized to fight DRAGONS specifically. Given the highly variable nature of Dragons (as evidenced by the triple triad cards such as "ice dragon") perhaps Heustienne seeks out the WOL's fighting style since it has successfully squared off against all manner of foes.


Not only that, it seems Dragoons may not actually survive the leaps they make. Given that Heustienne could not hop off any time she liked and both Brucemont and her father concluded that if she had fallen off she'd die most assuredly. This either means Dragoons are even MORE inefficient, because every missed jump is a death sentence or its just the case for high flying aerial targets and say a jump on a ground target won't kill if missed.




Beyond Battle Litany, there is nearly no lore behind the new abilities beyond the inner dragon stirring within you. This leaves the new abilities up in the air as to whether or not they are Azure Dragoon exclusive.


Battle Litany would be atypical of an Ishgardian, especially since the WOL seemed to have personally invented it right there.


Blood of the Dragon may or may not be Azure Dragoon material depending on interpretations of the Dragon blood aspect that Dragoons take on in their armor.


Fang and Claw and Wheeling Thrust are just spear movements so most likely can be replicated in some form. How this extends Blood of the Dragon is not explained


Geirskogul also pops out of the blue, you just -learn- it after killing graoully with no mention of why or how. Given how it shoots a laser beam made of dragons, I'm inclined to believe that both it and Blood of The Dragon are Azure Dragoon abilities or the very least only known by the most elite of elite Dragoons, the sort of legends that get their own statues in Ishgard. I find the latter unlikely for both Blood of the Dragon and Geirskogul are, for all intents and purposes, Azure in color and as such would make sense as to why the Azure Dragoon is called as such. Especially since neither Estinien or Haldrath have Azure armor

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Doing this from memory so might have a few things wrong.


In the Monk questline, you learn that the Fist of Rhalgr was actually divided into two sects; the Light sect and the Darkness sect. They came about when individual Monks sparring within the order discovered that they had opened different aspects of the same chakra by fighting against each other. Thus the two sects fought against one another to obtain all fourteen chakra, but that plan failed when the Light sect "sold out" to the Ala Mhigan royalty, joined the military formally, and eventually were betrayed when they became too much of a threat. During the destruction of the temple, a member of the Darkness sect killed a high-ranking member of the Light sect, opening all fourteen chakra at the last minute, then fled to re-establish his half of the order in secret. The Darkness sect thereafter wanted to purposefully goad the Light sect into learning all seven of their chakras, re-establish themselves, and die as fodder vs the Dark sect so their half of the style would become supreme.


There seems to be a lot more members of the Darkness sect, as many mooks with temple cyclas appear in the new questline. I would suggest that most Fist PCs from now on are likely to be from that sect, and not the one re-established by Widargelt, but most likely both are possible, as the end of the storyline seems to suggest the two halves rejoined.


We also gained our first "chi beam" skill, Elixir Field (Most likely a reference to the Dantian Chakra), so yes, Monks can do "animu nonsense," it's canon now.

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