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So Something Rather Creepy has Been Happening...

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[align=center]For some reason or another, a couple days if not a week ago, I disconnected from game during some RP. Didn't think much about it to be honest.[/align]



[align=center]Except for the fact it's been happening every night since. And to make matters even worse, it wasn't until I checked last night to see today: It always happens at exactly 1:23 am. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, I know an FC mate of mine DC'd tonight at 11:23 and they DC every day as well. I am really bad with superstitious things, so I guess I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue. It's not my internet as well, it's just the game.[/align]



[align=center]Just the game.[/align]




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I don't know how it could affect just the game, but for a while I had my router reset at the same hour every day for a month straight. Contacting my ISP it turned out that they had been setting my router to do that in order to "improve connection", or so they stated. Guess they didn't expect me to stay online 24/7 as I infact do.


Either way, all I had to do was to go to my ISP's website, in the customer area, and reset my LAN settings. I'm not a computer person so I don't really know how to explain how it worked, but it did work. I'm unsure if ISP websites allow you to do that in the US, but here in Italy they do.


I went to the ISP website, then logged in, went to "my page/customer area/my internet/whatchamacall it", then to "Router Settings" and lastly to "LAN settings". It asked me if I wanted to do it manually like pro people or if I wanted it to reset automatically. I clicked automatic settings cause I'm not into that stuff, and that fixed it.

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This is not the normal behavior for any router in the US. Home and business alike use the same modems from ISPs, so if they were just turning off internet suddenly people would flip their collective s**t's. CEO's cannot live without their email working at 3am for some reason. From the land of 100% uptime, it sounds like a setting local to your device. Try logging into the web panel of your router by accessing the gateway in your browser. or are the most common defaults.


Worst case you can just do a factory reset by using a paper clip and the "reset" button hidden at the back of most every router.

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[align=center]As much as I appreciate these suggestions, there is a big reason I know and believe it's not my router/internet. For one, I don't get disconnected from TS3 or anything else, I don't even start lagging momentarily. And also because my SO is usually playing games behind me, and he never has any disconnecting issues when it happens to me. I am almost positive it's just the game doing it.[/align]

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I would subscribe to the aliens theory then.


Or, for something more believable, perhaps one of the GMs is a vindictive ex of yours who gets to work at that same time every day and the first order of business is to disconnect your client.


I think you mean Ascians.

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[align=center]As much as I appreciate these suggestions, there is a big reason I know and believe it's not my router/internet. For one, I don't get disconnected from TS3 or anything else, I don't even start lagging momentarily. And also because my SO is usually playing games behind me, and he never has any disconnecting issues when it happens to me. I am almost positive it's just the game doing it.[/align]



What operating system are you using?

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[align=center]As much as I appreciate these suggestions, there is a big reason I know and believe it's not my router/internet. For one, I don't get disconnected from TS3 or anything else, I don't even start lagging momentarily. And also because my SO is usually playing games behind me, and he never has any disconnecting issues when it happens to me. I am almost positive it's just the game doing it.[/align]



What operating system are you using?

Windows 7

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Windows 7


I'd uninstall FFXIV and reinstall it.  I know it's a pain, but otherwise it's the only thing I can come up with that could be causing this.


Also, check your antivirus to make sure you don't have any viruses/malware and make sure Windows Defender isn't blocking the game.

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