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The Council of Coerthas [CC-RP]

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Name: Council of Coerthas

Tag: <CC-RP>

Officers: Valeaux Rillemont, Ernholdt Delcroix, Evreux Morumiere

FC House: Goblet, Ward 6, Plot 11

[Heavy RP]

Active Times: 3 PM to 3 AM EST

Alignment: Neutral Good

Server: Mateus


IC Background:


Found on flyers posted around the Eorzean Alliance and throughout the territories of Coerthas, the following message could be found. For those unable to read, the occasional crier could be heard shouting the same at taverns and squares.


The Council of Coerthas, an organization newly formed and dedicated to the protection, preservation, and rebuilding of Ishgard, seeks your aid. Whether you are of common birth, of knightly valor or highborn, the Holy See requires your pledge to rebuild from our thousand years of strife.


Formed by the signing of the Accords of St. Reinette between Houses Rillemont and Delcroix and created to bring a new life to our people, the Council's singular goal is to create a safe, secure, and prosperous future for all Ishgardians.


Merchants, tradesmen, and artisans can seek out the Ishgard Free-Trade Consortium. We will negotiate cheaper supply and better trade deals on your behalf.


Soldiers, guardsmen, and knights: the Knightly Order of St. Reinette serve a brighter future than any petty infighting, or squabble. Come serve the future of your people and pledge your blade to all Ishgardians.


Do you seek adventure, even if you are not one of us? Fight for the Distant Skies Company, the council organization that hires those who are not of Ishgardian birth. We'll pay you what you're worth, and see that you've always got mead, meat, and a warm hearth.


If you're of noble birth and wish to sign the Accords to join the Council, send a letter to the Goblet, Ward 6 Plot 11 and our seneschal will be in touch to set up a meeting with Lord-Speaker Valeaux de Rillemont. For all others who wish to join, send a letter and our seneschal will ask you some questions. If you cannot write, never fear, ask the person reading this letter for assistance.



Tl;dr: We're a Heavy RP guild with heavy emphasis on Ishgard, but we welcome non-Ishgardian RPers who are interested in the future of Ishgard! Currently have IC offices in Ul'dah as main HQ, but will be moving to Ishgard if/when housing opens in 5.0-5.2!  Please apply at our website, www.cc-rp.enjin.com.

Edited by Valeaux Rillemont
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  • 3 months later...

Hey, folks! As a past member of the Council of Coerthas, I can confirm that it had unfortunately gone inactive. A few of the members made their own Free Company called The Coterie since then. Cheers!

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That's true! It had in fact gone inactive during the pre-SHB lull. I appreciate @Rossavane saying something. My notifications were turned off so I never was alerted to anything. Council of Coerthas, as a concept, will live on through a new project I have planned through SHB and this page will soon be updated to reflect that.


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  • 1 year later...

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