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It's time to steal the show! Just kidding!

Night Etsu

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Hey there, my decision to settle my ideals of Roleplaying with XIV. Although, though after being well upholstered with errands. I've finally gotten it to let up, just a tad bit but I won't be as busy as disappearing for a month or so! That's out the door; but more importantly. I'd like to say I have experience with roleplay, some places that is naturally eyed from but that's alright. Everyone has their opinion. My first RP days began on another mmorpg, back in 2009 known as Mabinogi and a little touch of kik. Though, what brings me to posting this blog has baffled me; I feel the need of guidance considering to my knowledge I'm not sure, where to start. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, Night Etsu over and out!


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