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Collector's Edition a threat to RP?

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The words elitist and noob get thrown around way to easily in the gaming community. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realize that it's a game and we're supposed to be having fun.


We're all in this together! Let's laugh, let's play, let's hug and let's sing. We all come from different backgrounds, experiences and desires, but we're all here to game and role-play!


Sometimes we need to poke fun at ourselves to realize that it's not really as serious at it starts to feel after so many defensive and aggressive words are flung around.


So true!


Also, yo mama so fat she looks like a Gobbue.



Come on, you know we needed one of those! o_o

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The rules require us to respect one another, even if we disagree. Unfortunately there is no constructive discussion in this thread, only satire designed to make certain people look like a fool. I'm afraid I'm going to have to lock this thread.

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