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[Gilgamesh] [RP] Republic of Eorzea

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the Republic of Eorzea is taking the Gilgamesh server by storm!


in 12 days we have 100 citizens apart of our great nation.


people are intrigued by our story, Role play events, And casual gaming style.


for more info about us please check out the link below






We are the only active Republic style government on Gilgamesh.


Complete with a senate, and unique ranking structure.


The President, Vice President, and House speaker are elected every month by a vote of the people.


I am Isaiah. Chief Justice of the Republic, I have no power but to prevent corruption at the highest level of our government, i always have my ear to the people.


We stand as a nation. not a free company. That's what sets us apart.


We are accepting applications for citizenship all the time.


Thank you for your time.



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