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"Lore-friendly" or not Jobs


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Disclaimer: This is not made in response to any threads or posts. Please do not get into any type of snippy or snarky remarks when disagreeing. Disagreements are fine in discussions but keep them from becoming too heated or personal.


I know there was once a post about Dragoons... constant posts about White Mages... I -think- there was one once all-encompassing but I don't see it in my searches.


I'm curious to know the lore behind the jobs and what makes them "RP-able" or not.


Please don't just say that they're just special snowflakes. Explain what in lore stops them from being common or something that works for others.


On my topic I am not asking why people choose to RP as jobs or not. If you want to talk about that, I ask that you make a different thread about it as I am only interested in the lore surrounding the jobs that would lend to interesting RP stories.


I am asking what the lore is behind jobs that make them open, limited or "restricted."

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Disclaimer: This is not made in response to any threads or posts. Please do not get into any type of snippy or snarky remarks when disagreeing. Disagreements are fine in discussions but keep them from becoming too heated or personal.


I know there was once a post about Dragoons... constant posts about White Mages... I -think- there was one once all-encompassing but I don't see it in my searches.


I'm curious to know the lore behind the jobs and what makes them "RP-able" or not.


Please don't just say that they're just special snowflakes. Explain what in lore stops them from being common or something that works for others.


Dragoons allegedly only come from Ishgard, but I don't remember the story. White Mages are supposed to be exceedingly rare and Padjal-only until the player breaks that streak. Summoning is an ancient Allagan art only recently discovered and reworked.


The way of the Warrior is limited to a single village that's now basically extinct.


This is a lot harder without access to my CS book at work.

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Most of the issues can be avoided by simply making the choice to just portray one's character as a combatant who just happens to use a lance rather than an individual who has access to every single dragoon ability. There's plenty of enemies in the game (bandits, soldiers, etc) who wield a lance without being a dragoon.


J'rakh has never been to Ishgard. He's heard a few rumours about dragoons but he doesn't really know what they are other than that they wield a lance. He wields a lance as well - based on having grown up using a tribal spear to hunt prey back when he lived in the desert.

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The way of the Warrior is limited to a single village that's now basically extinct.

Only one village.. knows the secret... to swinging an axe... really good!


Its really silly to try to take a word like "warrior" and state it is unique to a single village.  I don't know the lore, but I'm not buying it :-]

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When I see this question, I can't help but wonder "So what?" but not in a negative or snarky way.


Like whats wrong with knowing how to use a lance and/or polearm? I am perfectly fine saying Otto has Academic knowledge of being a Lancer over a Dragoon. I...don't see the difference. Ultimately, to me, if your putting combat classes in your backstory you have or want to or will combat at some point. Does your enemy care if you identify as a Lancer over a Goon?


I dont know.

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The way of the Warrior is limited to a single village that's now basically extinct.

Only one village.. knows the secret... to swinging an axe... really good!


Its really silly to try to take a word like "warrior" and state it is unique to a single village.  I don't know the lore, but I'm not buying it :-]


Specifically referring to The Inner Beast and tapping into it.

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The way of the Warrior is limited to a single village that's now basically extinct.

Only one village.. knows the secret... to swinging an axe... really good!


Its really silly to try to take a word like "warrior" and state it is unique to a single village.  I don't know the lore, but I'm not buying it :-]


Marauders use plenty of axes. They're our basic axe-wielding class. Warrior adds on top of that. The "secrets" and "methods" they use channel their rage into a kind of berserk mode, which is what makes it "special". 



So it's not that using an axe is a secret, but rather, using an axe the way they do. (And getting that awesome armor).

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I love to read all about the stuff that they may or may not have put into the lore so I'm curious to see why they may be restricted in RP.


This is simply more for me and not as a big community resource because I'd honestly love to meet a Warrior or a White Mage in RP if they've got a good story to tell.


I've seen people RP as black mages and when I did the quests I didn't see naything that made them impossible to RP. FROWNED UP CAUSE THEY ARE 1/2 of a war and the cause of a new era but.... impossible? Not as far as I know. Study hard from books you find. Use the void. Flare?

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While I have little knowledge on other jobs and their limitations, I do know that anyone can be a dragoon as it is a title earned for claiming a kill on an actual dragon. However, the dragoon we all know and love in FFXIV is actually the Azure Dragoon, in which there can only be one. In the story, your character breaks that trend by awakening the powers of one while there is already an Azure Dragoon around. 


Light lore lesson aside, it's pretty much highlander. There should only be one Dragoon with magical jump powers, blessed to him by the soul gem he carries. Which is a bummer because Dragoons are cool.

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Marauders use plenty of axes. They're our basic axe-wielding class. Warrior adds on top of that. The "secrets" and "methods" they use channel their rage into a kind of berserk mode, which is what makes it "special".

See, that's the "really good" part I mentioned!


Only.. one village.. knows how.. to rage!  I think our forum itself has shown how silly that is over the past two weeks!  Warrior is far too generic to be limited to a single village, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it!

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When I see this question, I can't help but wonder "So what?" but not in a negative or snarky way.


Like whats wrong with knowing how to use a lance and/or polearm? I am perfectly fine saying Otto has Academic knowledge of being a Lancer over a Dragoon.  I...don't see the difference.  Ultimately, to me, if your putting combat classes in your backstory you have or want to or will combat at some point.  Does your enemy care if you identify as a Lancer over a Goon?


I dont know.


Dragoon isn't really a good example here, as it is perfectly possible to roleplay a dragoon. One's choice to do so would have huge ramifications for one's roleplay, as well. To be a dragoon is not just to wield a lance; you would get to incorporate all the flavor of Ishgardian culture into your story as well, the war with the dragons, etc.


Marauders use plenty of axes. They're our basic axe-wielding class. Warrior adds on top of that. The "secrets" and "methods" they use channel their rage into a kind of berserk mode, which is what makes it "special". 

See, that's the "really good" part I mentioned!


Only.. one village.. knows how.. to rage!  I think our forum itself has shown how silly that is over the past two weeks!  Warrior is far too generic to be limited to a single village, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it!


Haha I have to agree on this count. Just look at Earth cultures - many historical cultures have "berserker"-type soldiers.

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Some of the jobs are very difficult to RP in a way that doesn't put off other roleplayers. 


There's a series of questions that you should ask yourself first:


Why do I want my character to "be" a Job?


Can all of my RP goals/desires be met /without/ having them become the Job? (the vast majority of the time the answer to this question will be yes, unless the goal itself is the Job)


How does my character adopt this Job in a way that doesn't break the lore totally? (this one is hotly debated, some people think using Jobs in RP at all is lore breaking, some think there's wiggle room)


Most of the time these questions will lead you to pursuing other avenues of RP that don't involve adopting a Job in character.


However, if you can adequately answer these questions and still wish to proceed, then by all means do so. RP is supposed to be fun, and if you need to use Jobs to have fun with it, then find a way to do it. Just understand that there are people who are going to scoff or roll their eyes at your character - don't worry about it. Your RP can't satisfy everyone, and it's nothing personal if it doesn't.


In my own case I've been back and forth forever about having Rakka'li eventually become a White Mage. Every time I've seriously considered it I've settled on it not being necessary, so I put it off. It's only now a year after launch that I've come up with a way that it can happen that satisfies me, and the only reason I want to do it is because I never grew tired of RP related to Conjury/Hearing or the Twelveswood.



Whatever you do, I strongly recommend /against/ adopting multiple Jobs IC. If I have to explain why you'll likely disagree anyway, so I won't waste the keyboard strokes.

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Marauders use plenty of axes. They're our basic axe-wielding class. Warrior adds on top of that. The "secrets" and "methods" they use channel their rage into a kind of berserk mode, which is what makes it "special".

See, that's the "really good" part I mentioned!


Only.. one village.. knows how.. to rage!  I think our forum itself has shown how silly that is over the past two weeks!  Warrior is far too generic to be limited to a single village, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it!


Oh, I fully agree. WAR is no more special than learning martial arts. And aside from the village where they all were pretty much destroying itself because they all went berserk, it isn't a restrictive job. Curious Gorge /wants/ to spread it from just being limited to his village. as such, I wouldn't find it strange that he is probably training many adventurers, and probably those adventurers are training other adventurers.

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I've never seen the draw in RPing jobs. In this game, they're so ridiculously hyper specific, restrictive, and exclusionary that there's almost no point. Why be a dragoon if I have nothing to do with Ishgard or dragons? Why be a Paladin if I don't want to be what is essentially a secret serviceman? You can be a spear wielder or a heavy armored sword and board without tacking these rules onto your character. Its either that, or your main draw is the lore behind the jobs rather than the aesthetic, in which case I don't see the complaint.

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I've never seen the draw in RPing jobs. In this game, they're so ridiculously hyper specific, restrictive, and exclusionary that there's almost no point. Why be a dragoon if I have nothing to do with Ishgard or dragons? Why be a Paladin if I don't want to be what is essentially a secret serviceman? You can be a spear wielder or a heavy armored sword and board without tacking these rules onto your character. Its either that, or your main draw is the lore behind the jobs rather than the aesthetic, in which case I don't see the complaint.


It's impossible to tell without doing the story, but not all Paladins are Sultansworn. Some of us just wanted to play do-gooder cop-types, and we're given an in by the lore for them. I've met plenty of random sword users, though.

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Granted I was fast tracking SCH but if you were lucky enough to find another fairy... you could learn the arts?


Pretty much. Scholars are just Arcanists from Nym that focused on healing. They work with the faeries on it, to my understanding. 


The same could be said for Summoners. They're really just Arcanists that rather than make a carbuncle, are harnessing the power of a primal using some Allagan tricks.  

We know there had to be a bunch of them because the in-game cutscenes show a certain NPC went and killed a bunch for their soulstones.


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Monk -- The job I've chosen as main. Rare, scattered and almost lost, but being taught by enough of the remnants to be making a comeback. Berrod was trained by a remnant of the Fists at a young age, and has his soul crystal in his possession. He continues to make progress toward mastery.


Warrior -- The art of a village in the mountains that's slowly dying out, but witnessing a revival by curious hottie gorge. Berrod has been to see him, and was denied a soul crystal because he did not demonstrate the level headedness needed to control the beast within.


Paladin -- Something definitely very accessible, though there are different restrictions based on what KIND of Paladin you are.


Black Mage -- A very taboo art, accessible to anyone who wants to take the plunge and can get the nasty knowledge they need. 


Bard -- Very accessible, since the job seems to be undergoing a revival thanks to the efforts of the  Warrior of Light and the Bard NPC whose name escapes me. 


Summoner -- Accessible, since there are ancient Allagan ruins popping up like pimples, and it may be easy enough for exavationists to procure the soul crystals. With regard to the primal slaying requirement. Primals are a revolving door, so it's easy to arrange one's character to have had a run in with them -- hell, I've seen people play out SEEKING the primals out to get a chip of their power!


Scholar -- Looks like it's accessible as well, given that the Nymian ruins can be a place where the soul crystals and faeries can be found. It'd just take a bit of clever playing.


Dragoon -- Accessible, though mostly trained in Coerthas. It's very easy for a player to write their character being trained in the art either officially, or by someone who's risking pissing off a lot of people. The AZURE DRAGOON however, is unique. Dragonfire dive is said to have been unique to the Azure, but if people can make replicas of the armor then people can try to recreate the attack based on what the legends say. Even if it's not nearly as effective.


White Mages -- Ah, white mages. I can just smell the boiling blood with this one. You can either go in the NOPE, ONLY PADJAL AND THE WARRIOR OR LIGHT ACCORDING TO THE MSQ route, or the 'Okay so they trusted that guy with it, and as all the other jobs are seeing a revival, it stands to reason that a controlled revival has begun there too. Do as you like! If no one else will roleplay with you, I sure as hell will. It'd be wise to keep the white magery on the down low and controlled, of course. 


There you go! All nine jobs, playable as hell. Enjoy!

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We know there had to be a bunch of them because the in-game cutscenes show a certain NPC went and killed a bunch for their soulstones.


Actually what I remember is that they were pretty much like archaeologists who had made the stone find...


I love you Berrod.


In a platonic way.

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Honestly, the only source of contention is White Mage. You can even be a Dragoon pretty easily as long as you don't run around calling yourself The Slayer The Azure Dragoon.


Summoner looks difficult but it's actually easy enough to bypass, the HARDEST is actually fighting a Primal and not get tempered if your character doesn't have the Echo.

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I've never seen the draw in RPing jobs. In this game, they're so ridiculously hyper specific, restrictive, and exclusionary that there's almost no point. Why be a dragoon if I have nothing to do with Ishgard or dragons? Why be a Paladin if I don't want to be what is essentially a secret serviceman? You can be a spear wielder or a heavy armored sword and board without tacking these rules onto your character. Its either that, or your main draw is the lore behind the jobs rather than the aesthetic, in which case I don't see the complaint.


It's impossible to tell without doing the story, but not all Paladins are Sultansworn. Some of us just wanted to play do-gooder cop-types, and we're given an in by the lore for them. I've met plenty of random sword users, though.

I know they're not, I was condensing for the argument I was making xD

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Summoner will be a point of contention just on account of Primals tempering the hell out of people. Even if we assume that they don't do it right away, it makes too much sense for a primal to realize it's losing a fight and try to enslave someone because 1) it beats dying and 2) thou art strong!


Depends on whether or not you want your character to be a Warrior of Light, though.

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