Hydaelyn Role-Players
Well met! - Printable Version

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Well met! - Onnamonapia - 02-23-2015

I've been super nervous about posting this, but I'll finally get around to it.. Hello, everyone! I'm never good at these, so I'll just start from the top I think.. I tend to go by Onnamonapia everywhere and my character name is I'llofii Tsunhe, on the Balmung server. My MMO background honestly isn't huge; a few months of WoW, a lot of hopping around on f2p games, SWTOR, and this. My RP experience is even more limited, I've always seen it around on WoW or SWTOR, since I had a tendency to join RP servers to watch it happen and because the overall friendliness tends to be a bit higher, but I've recently started trying to get more into things instead of just creeping on the sidelines ><. In terms of the game itself, since I do at least try to play semi-frequently and not just use it as a fancy chat engine, I main SCH, only at i99, but I've been trying to pick up Warrior and Bard to use as well.

I've yet to get horribly far with I'llofii or her story and am not horribly familiar with the lore, but so far I figure she's a bit on the quiet side and has a tendency to think a bit too highly above herself, though she does her best to at least seem polite. She tends to wonder about between different places, studying the flora and fauna, generally looking around and just trying to learn more and more about the world around her, while taking odd jobs to help keep herself fed.

As for more things about meee, I work from home so I'm logged into FF pretty much constantly, though I'm usually just using the client as a glorified chat engine. I tend to play lots of other things, but I get horribly addicted to them and then just stop playing completely for a few months. Right now, it's the new monster hunter and League of Legends. I also play fighting games semi-competitively, mainly airdashers with a sprinkling of smash, though I've sort of fallen out with them because of the community and the time and money it takes to actually get out to tournaments.

Anyway, that's me! I'm happy to chat if anyone would like to, and you're welcome to ask questions about me if there's anything I may have forgotten. Constructive criticism on my character and writing is also appreciated if you're not opposed to it >.> Thanks for reading!

RE: Well met! - Maril - 02-23-2015

Welcome Smile

RE: Well met! - Onnamonapia - 02-23-2015

Thank you Big Grin

RE: Well met! - Rosamund - 02-23-2015

Hello and welcome! Big Grin

RE: Well met! - Onnamonapia - 02-23-2015

Hello and thank you! Big Grin

RE: Well met! - Ligardian Dreamer - 02-23-2015

Hello and welcome!

Have fun, and, "may the path in the light[Image: arrow-10x10.png] of the crystal" be filled with many memories and experiences!

RE: Well met! - LexiQ - 02-23-2015

Woo! You finally made it onto the forums! Welcome, welcome! The more Miqo'te the merrier! Who doesn't love Miqo'te?

RE: Well met! - SicketySix - 02-23-2015

(02-23-2015, 03:54 PM)LexiQ Wrote: Who doesn't love Miqo'te?
*slowly raises his hand*

Jk. The only think I have aginst them, is it seems like every one and their mother plays them.

But welcome to the forums!

RE: Well met! - Aya - 02-23-2015

Welcome! Don't be too nervous! There are a lot of friendly people around :-]

RE: Well met! - Onnamonapia - 02-24-2015

Certainly @.@ Everyone seems super friendly, thank you everyone ><