Starting a new thread for this so the thread on playing White Mages isn't totally derailed.
I'm going to start it off with some questions that have been bothering me, since questions seem to be the best way to prompt discussion.
I'm going to start it off with some questions that have been bothering me, since questions seem to be the best way to prompt discussion.
- What is the difference between an elemental and a Primal? They're both powerful entities manifested from aether, whose will does not always favor the lives and well-being of mortals. Neither of them are part of the Twelve, but they are both regarded as powerful- though the former are respected and deferred to, while the latter are violently opposed.
- Is the Black Shroud actually a holy region, or is it a case of ascribing divine intent to natural aetheric activity? Just because the game is in the fantasy genre doesn't mean all assertions about something being magical/divine are true.
- Is the will of the elementals something that modern Eorzeans should carry out? They do not have the best interest of the people in mind, and never have- only their own interest. The Gridanians made peace with them, but this peace is kept at the expense of countless individuals from outside their original pact.
- Are the elementals as powerful as they used to be? The Greenwrath was a terrible thing in 1.0, for certain, but in 2.0 it appears to not be as active or dangerous. Did the Calamity or the shifts in the world's aether weaken the influence of the elementals, or are they just an element of the story Square has decided to ignore for the purposes of writing the game?