@Telluride: I don't agree with everything you said, but I love your passions on it
#2 is a huge deal for me, and I completely agree! If you can't say hello to people when they log in, why are you there? Why invite people into your guild if you don't ever intend on talking to them? Obviously you won't be able to catch every single person who logs on, but making others feel welcome and valued should be the most basic of concepts on who you share your guild space with. If I find myself in a guild that doesn't greet each other, or worse, only greets the popular people, I'm looking for the door.
#3 - I hate when officers assume the mentality of 'the guild should serve me' as opposed to vice versa. If you agree to an officer role, like it or not you are assuming the responsibility to provide the lifeblood of the guild. no other way to put it. If you don't have the time to assume such a massive undertaking, don't become an officer! No one will fault you for that. Officers who take the time to assist the guildmemers in whatever they need will propigate a culture in which others want to assist and help. Officers are the number one deterent to cliques that can absolutely kill a guild.
#2 is a huge deal for me, and I completely agree! If you can't say hello to people when they log in, why are you there? Why invite people into your guild if you don't ever intend on talking to them? Obviously you won't be able to catch every single person who logs on, but making others feel welcome and valued should be the most basic of concepts on who you share your guild space with. If I find myself in a guild that doesn't greet each other, or worse, only greets the popular people, I'm looking for the door.
#3 - I hate when officers assume the mentality of 'the guild should serve me' as opposed to vice versa. If you agree to an officer role, like it or not you are assuming the responsibility to provide the lifeblood of the guild. no other way to put it. If you don't have the time to assume such a massive undertaking, don't become an officer! No one will fault you for that. Officers who take the time to assist the guildmemers in whatever they need will propigate a culture in which others want to assist and help. Officers are the number one deterent to cliques that can absolutely kill a guild.