Eos was having the time of her life, floating out over the small pond in the back of Gridania. She loved annoying T'caska and she was good at it. Her rebellious and defiant personality caused the young Miqo'te so much frustration and it was the funniest thing in Eorzea.
"No No No No No No!" yelled T'caska. She stood on a log jutting out from the bank and stomped her feet like a kit. "She said she likes fish and, and there's the fattest one I've ever seen in here!" pointing to the water as she stares down Eos, "Stop being so hard headed and help me!" Cass was rubbish as fishing and was more drawn to the red meats but Nebula had said she liked fish, a lot, so she was determined to get at least one of the beasts for a meal.
"Oh Twelve! There he is!" she cried out to Eos as a fat and slow fish came swirling around between the two of them, totally within pouncing range, "Distract him and I'll get 'em!"
Eos sighs and moved down near the water. She spun a few times a shot out a couple bright yellow sparks in the air above her. The fish saw and lumbered closer to her, opening and closing its mouth widely as it stared her down. Was this oaf flirting with her? Fairies and Fish would never work out! "Its trying to kiss me!" she yelled back to Cass.
T'caska stopped and squinched her face up, "What?" she asks then shrugged it off and got low. Her head and shoulders went down and her butt, hips, and tail went high. She began to wiggle. Its pouncin' time kids. And with that, T'caska launched herself with all her might, nails out, tail high, eyes locked on Nebula's dinner. The mossy and waterlogged.. log had other ideas though and both her feet slipped out neatly behind her. All in all T'caska pounced a little more than a fulm and she dropped flat into the water with a loud splash and a yelp. Of course, the fish took off.
Eos couldn't take it anymore, this was great. She threw her head back and spun around in uncontrollable laughter at the now wet Miqo that sat in the water before her. She pointed and guffawed and giggled and.. and.. Hey! Eos looked around the water, peering deeply into it with her hands on her hips, where had her boyfriend gone?
"No No No No No No!" yelled T'caska. She stood on a log jutting out from the bank and stomped her feet like a kit. "She said she likes fish and, and there's the fattest one I've ever seen in here!" pointing to the water as she stares down Eos, "Stop being so hard headed and help me!" Cass was rubbish as fishing and was more drawn to the red meats but Nebula had said she liked fish, a lot, so she was determined to get at least one of the beasts for a meal.
"Oh Twelve! There he is!" she cried out to Eos as a fat and slow fish came swirling around between the two of them, totally within pouncing range, "Distract him and I'll get 'em!"
Eos sighs and moved down near the water. She spun a few times a shot out a couple bright yellow sparks in the air above her. The fish saw and lumbered closer to her, opening and closing its mouth widely as it stared her down. Was this oaf flirting with her? Fairies and Fish would never work out! "Its trying to kiss me!" she yelled back to Cass.
T'caska stopped and squinched her face up, "What?" she asks then shrugged it off and got low. Her head and shoulders went down and her butt, hips, and tail went high. She began to wiggle. Its pouncin' time kids. And with that, T'caska launched herself with all her might, nails out, tail high, eyes locked on Nebula's dinner. The mossy and waterlogged.. log had other ideas though and both her feet slipped out neatly behind her. All in all T'caska pounced a little more than a fulm and she dropped flat into the water with a loud splash and a yelp. Of course, the fish took off.
Eos couldn't take it anymore, this was great. She threw her head back and spun around in uncontrollable laughter at the now wet Miqo that sat in the water before her. She pointed and guffawed and giggled and.. and.. Hey! Eos looked around the water, peering deeply into it with her hands on her hips, where had her boyfriend gone?