Hi there!
While Balmung is typically closed (unless you somehow get struck by lightning and survive while simultaneously winning the lottery and can make a character the exact moment maintenance ends), it does have a fairly lively early game experience. Most of the maps are typically still packed with people, whether as new characters or as alts or subclasses. (Don't forget, you can be anything and everything in this game! And dungeons/trials are level synced, which helps bring older players back into the lower level dungeons).
Housing-wise, everything's bought up at the moment. This will likely change now that unused plots will finally expire, but I wouldn't be expecting a great selection. As a legacy server, the prices on Balmung are much higher than nonlegacy servers for housing. Our markets are fairly stable though, as there are a lot of people trying to get rich!
One recommendation is that if you think you'll possibly be using alts, to make as many characters as you want and transfer them all over to Balmung with the same server transfer fee. (It's a flat $18 for up to 8 characters, depending on your account). ...that way, you can always use the free fantasia for adjustments, without having to pay so much. (Although names then become a possible issue).
While Balmung is typically closed (unless you somehow get struck by lightning and survive while simultaneously winning the lottery and can make a character the exact moment maintenance ends), it does have a fairly lively early game experience. Most of the maps are typically still packed with people, whether as new characters or as alts or subclasses. (Don't forget, you can be anything and everything in this game! And dungeons/trials are level synced, which helps bring older players back into the lower level dungeons).
Housing-wise, everything's bought up at the moment. This will likely change now that unused plots will finally expire, but I wouldn't be expecting a great selection. As a legacy server, the prices on Balmung are much higher than nonlegacy servers for housing. Our markets are fairly stable though, as there are a lot of people trying to get rich!
One recommendation is that if you think you'll possibly be using alts, to make as many characters as you want and transfer them all over to Balmung with the same server transfer fee. (It's a flat $18 for up to 8 characters, depending on your account). ...that way, you can always use the free fantasia for adjustments, without having to pay so much. (Although names then become a possible issue).