This thread has been a good read. It's nice to not feel 'alone' in some things..
Though, I'm not terribly worried about anything regarding my character anymore. I've grown more than comfortable with her over the time playing her, and am well aware that there are plenty of parts of her that people won't like. Whether it be that she's snowflakey (Echo, Carteneau time warpy person - hi my name is 1.0 x_x) or just too bitchy to get close to. I have a small circle who enjoy her and can use her for their plots, and I enjoy her, so here we are.Â
I suppose one thing I do worry about is that people will think that I put too much of myself into her. She does have some of my personality traits, albeit exaggerated, which is probably why she is so easy for me to play. Her overall personality is her own still, and has been shaped by her experiences (both in her history and through RP). Sometimes people don't like those traits, but I am able to separate the two easily enough. If someone criticizes one of those traits in her, I'm not exactly going to mind - they're criticizing her character, not mine. And while she's my mindbaby and I love her, I don't expect everyone else to! xD
Most of my uncertainty/insecurity is all OOC and with RP in general.
I worry that I come off as unapproachable, uninterested, or stuck up. Anyone who knows me knows I struggle with asking for RP, or being asked for it, even though I pretty much always want to RP. The actual asking will kill my RP mood. The idea of setting up a plot or discussing a meeting OOCly or starting a scene on Skype to RP sends me into a fit of anxiety and I shut down and can't do it. Thus, I rarely, if ever ask someone for RP, no matter how interested I am in their character, or how good a friend they may be OOC. When I ask someone, I feel like I'm putting myself on the spot, almost like stage fright. I am afraid that there are all these expectations, that I am supposed to bring something specific to RP about... when I usually don't have anything specific in mind, I just want to RP and see what happens. My preferred methods of starting up RP are simply different than most people. I like linkshell RP, as it allows me to just slip IC whatever I am doing, and often leads to meeting up with people at a location naturally. Or, if someone wants to ask me OOC, just a simple "are you available for RP?" and a quick decision of where to meet is best.
I worry that my reputation is poor and still follows me. I've been told I'm a bear to moderate when it comes to forum/linkshell/etc. I tend to lack a filter at times when it comes to my opinions, and can come off as hostile. I'm also not afraid to call someone out. During the downtime between 1.0 and 2.0, we were not all on our best behavior, me included. I was involved in more than one heated discussion both here and in our old Skype group. I still have some topics that get me fired up around RP and lore, but I deliberately avoid such conversations here and elsewhere. I'm focused more on just enjoying my time than worrying about what other people may be doing these days. I'm learning to accept more things outside my comfort zone. It's been a good experience.
I worry about my writing (who doesn't?). 5~ years of XIV RP and my writing style has definitely changed when it comes to RP. Though I have my roots in paragraph-roleplay, I am not all that comfortable with it anymore. I am descriptive when I want to convey emotion or mood, but I do not get very creative with my words. My posts are short and often speech-only, especially for conversation-RP. I would rather the conversation progress and be able to talk about more things IC with shorter posts than have lengthy, descriptive posts and have a 30 minute conversation last five hours. That's the preference I've developed, though. RP has become more about playing the character than the writing for me. Seeing her and those around her develop, building relationships, and so on. Something I'm most self-conscious about is my use of past- and present- tense in my writing. I tend to switch tenses frequently and seemingly at random, and I have no idea why. I heard this is a pet peeve and ever since then I've become aware that I do it and self-conscious about it.
..That got long-winded. I have enough anxiety and insecurity to write ten more of those paragraphs probably, but that gets away from RP and just social anxiety in general, so I will spare you all.
Though, I'm not terribly worried about anything regarding my character anymore. I've grown more than comfortable with her over the time playing her, and am well aware that there are plenty of parts of her that people won't like. Whether it be that she's snowflakey (Echo, Carteneau time warpy person - hi my name is 1.0 x_x) or just too bitchy to get close to. I have a small circle who enjoy her and can use her for their plots, and I enjoy her, so here we are.Â
I suppose one thing I do worry about is that people will think that I put too much of myself into her. She does have some of my personality traits, albeit exaggerated, which is probably why she is so easy for me to play. Her overall personality is her own still, and has been shaped by her experiences (both in her history and through RP). Sometimes people don't like those traits, but I am able to separate the two easily enough. If someone criticizes one of those traits in her, I'm not exactly going to mind - they're criticizing her character, not mine. And while she's my mindbaby and I love her, I don't expect everyone else to! xD
Most of my uncertainty/insecurity is all OOC and with RP in general.
I worry that I come off as unapproachable, uninterested, or stuck up. Anyone who knows me knows I struggle with asking for RP, or being asked for it, even though I pretty much always want to RP. The actual asking will kill my RP mood. The idea of setting up a plot or discussing a meeting OOCly or starting a scene on Skype to RP sends me into a fit of anxiety and I shut down and can't do it. Thus, I rarely, if ever ask someone for RP, no matter how interested I am in their character, or how good a friend they may be OOC. When I ask someone, I feel like I'm putting myself on the spot, almost like stage fright. I am afraid that there are all these expectations, that I am supposed to bring something specific to RP about... when I usually don't have anything specific in mind, I just want to RP and see what happens. My preferred methods of starting up RP are simply different than most people. I like linkshell RP, as it allows me to just slip IC whatever I am doing, and often leads to meeting up with people at a location naturally. Or, if someone wants to ask me OOC, just a simple "are you available for RP?" and a quick decision of where to meet is best.
I worry that my reputation is poor and still follows me. I've been told I'm a bear to moderate when it comes to forum/linkshell/etc. I tend to lack a filter at times when it comes to my opinions, and can come off as hostile. I'm also not afraid to call someone out. During the downtime between 1.0 and 2.0, we were not all on our best behavior, me included. I was involved in more than one heated discussion both here and in our old Skype group. I still have some topics that get me fired up around RP and lore, but I deliberately avoid such conversations here and elsewhere. I'm focused more on just enjoying my time than worrying about what other people may be doing these days. I'm learning to accept more things outside my comfort zone. It's been a good experience.
I worry about my writing (who doesn't?). 5~ years of XIV RP and my writing style has definitely changed when it comes to RP. Though I have my roots in paragraph-roleplay, I am not all that comfortable with it anymore. I am descriptive when I want to convey emotion or mood, but I do not get very creative with my words. My posts are short and often speech-only, especially for conversation-RP. I would rather the conversation progress and be able to talk about more things IC with shorter posts than have lengthy, descriptive posts and have a 30 minute conversation last five hours. That's the preference I've developed, though. RP has become more about playing the character than the writing for me. Seeing her and those around her develop, building relationships, and so on. Something I'm most self-conscious about is my use of past- and present- tense in my writing. I tend to switch tenses frequently and seemingly at random, and I have no idea why. I heard this is a pet peeve and ever since then I've become aware that I do it and self-conscious about it.
..That got long-winded. I have enough anxiety and insecurity to write ten more of those paragraphs probably, but that gets away from RP and just social anxiety in general, so I will spare you all.