My biggest insecurity is that I have a huge fear of public speaking - making a mistake, saying the wrong thing, being judged on the topic at hand, being disregarded, not being given a fair chance.. the list goes on and on - and this fear easily transitions over to my RP. I'll often second guess what I'm typing before hitting enter, rethink and retype, even completely scrap things because I worry "Maybe this isn't right" or "No, this is stupid". It leads to longer posting time, which leads to anxiety on my end that my RP partner(s) think I'm ignoring them or not taking things seriously. It's a horrible cycle. Once I get to know people a bit better it's easier for me, but it still happens.
Metagaming. Why, oh, why? Because of my aforementioned fear of the spotlight, I tend to favor more supporting role-type characters. I'll work in little quirks or things into their backstories that most people won't just know after seeing my character or talking to them once or twice. I put a lot of thought into some smaller details that will come out naturally over time with RP. Character fears or very specific history aren't advertised on an IC billboard.
People confusing or blurring the lines between OOC and IC. My character is very friendly and bubbly. She'll flirt a little to get conversation going - and that's where it ends. That does NOT mean to start spamming me with OOC tells whenever you see me. On the other end of the spectrum, if my character thinks that your character is an arse that doesn't at all that I think you as the player are. If there's ever any confusion on my OOC feelings, I wish that people would simply ask and not assume.
Metagaming. Why, oh, why? Because of my aforementioned fear of the spotlight, I tend to favor more supporting role-type characters. I'll work in little quirks or things into their backstories that most people won't just know after seeing my character or talking to them once or twice. I put a lot of thought into some smaller details that will come out naturally over time with RP. Character fears or very specific history aren't advertised on an IC billboard.
People confusing or blurring the lines between OOC and IC. My character is very friendly and bubbly. She'll flirt a little to get conversation going - and that's where it ends. That does NOT mean to start spamming me with OOC tells whenever you see me. On the other end of the spectrum, if my character thinks that your character is an arse that doesn't at all that I think you as the player are. If there's ever any confusion on my OOC feelings, I wish that people would simply ask and not assume.