(02-20-2016, 04:04 AM)Solenne Wrote: Thought of something else. When I'm trying to run a story arc involving other people and it's kind of complex and I'm getting wrapped up in the details, I start worrying that no one else cares about what's happening as much as I do. I worry that they're all just really bored and they're too nice to tell me so. I love DMing plots, but I have so much anxiety about it whenever I do.
That's actually not a bad thing at all. Never feel ashamed of going out of your way to go above and beyond what most role-players do. I absolutely adore role-play that boasts a lot of depth, mystery and various sub-plots. It's not everybody's cup of tea, certainly, but there are people out there who love that sort of thing.
The key is to identify them, approach them and then offer to team up if it seems like your desires align with theirs.
As a rule I only role-play with those who prove that they care for the development of more than just their own character. Even in regards to 'simple' plots I've always felt as if it's important for role-players to give and take. I adore complex plots when they're pulled off in a satisfactory manner because if nothing else they genuinely ensure that there's genuine, meaningful character development and an opportunity to get out into the game world and explore.
So don't be discouraged!