(02-25-2016, 05:58 AM)Lyriell Wrote: I'm one of the few people that is able to enjoy some voices in every language. I have some faves in the German version, some in the English version and some in the Japanese version.Japanese voice actors have to go to school for voice acting specifically most of the time. These schools sometimes are connected to an agency...
However, it feels to me that the Japanese voices are more emotionally invested than the others. I don't want to spoil any scenes but those that have finished the Vault for example know what I'm talking about.
I have a few friends who are voice actors in Japan who are in a school for it. A lot of people prefer...Midorikawa's school...and a girl I don't like was rejected from his school and she totes deserved it >>
They are trained specifically to to voice act. English voice actors are generally not.