I suffer from a lot of anxiety and intense levels of self-depreciation. I'm afraid that my character concepts are bland or uninteresting. Crowds make me anxious ( huge events are amazing to behold, but ye gods the text just flies everywhere and I never seem to fit in just right ), and I'm always concerned of being shut out from the various cliques that exist in FCs and public hangout spots.
I'm always worried of looking like a fool and never having anyone to really hang out and RP with -- a feeling that ironically chases me away from interacting with other people. I've had a few negative experiences around Balmung in the past, and while I'm not going to let those completely ruin my time, they've certainly left a lingering, bitter taste. I just worry too much. The few people I have roleplayed with swore they've loved it, though. Which is nice.
I'm always worried of looking like a fool and never having anyone to really hang out and RP with -- a feeling that ironically chases me away from interacting with other people. I've had a few negative experiences around Balmung in the past, and while I'm not going to let those completely ruin my time, they've certainly left a lingering, bitter taste. I just worry too much. The few people I have roleplayed with swore they've loved it, though. Which is nice.