(04-25-2016, 06:05 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: I reported a bunch of them yesterday. ...eventually, they'd teleport with hacks faster than I could highlight their names to copy.
Easy bot-hunting (for reports) method. Turn this into a macro and make sure at least one of your chat logs allows for "echo" text. ...I made my a dark red to make it easy to find.
Code: (Select All)/e <t>
Tab/target all the bots and use the macro. It'll grab their name. When you've got a decent list, open up the Support Desk in game and file a Cheating/RMT/Bot report for them, stating when and where you saw them. Then cross your fingers and hope SE adds them to the list of characters to delete. The more people reporting, the easier it is for SE to remove.
Sadly, I saw about 50 different bots while hanging around the Ul'dah Aetheryte Plaza while idling yesterday. ...in about 30 minutes.
Thank you! I was wondering if there was a way to report them like there was back in WoW. This is super helpful!
Balmung -- Message any time! --Â Usually online after 5-6pm PST weekdays and all day weekends
[Cam'nahl Zarasten]-[Riski Chanse]-[Rhet Hawke]
[Cam'nahl Zarasten]-[Riski Chanse]-[Rhet Hawke]