CNJ quest lines: insert spoiler here
Didn't read? Long story short if applied wrong healing someone with CNJ magic can come back to bite you.
While I have gone alot further in ACN, I haven't really seen much of a mention to any downsides for their magic. It would seem that since ACN is more of a Scientific healing through geometrical manipulations of Aether that failing is mostly just going to get you a puff of smoke and some laughs(unless I've missed something)
To address my views on "a wizard did it" I think that if the game lore allows it, and you do more than just end scene next scene magically healed instantly, go for it. However, I would say that playing up a wound could be alot more fun than just waving the wand every time. Maybe you chose to go with the convenient wizard couldn't be found, is on vacation etc. but I would always put the RP experience before being healed. save the instant heals for people constantly around mages and in game wizards, who would naturally patch their friend/ally up.
Didn't read? Long story short if applied wrong healing someone with CNJ magic can come back to bite you.
While I have gone alot further in ACN, I haven't really seen much of a mention to any downsides for their magic. It would seem that since ACN is more of a Scientific healing through geometrical manipulations of Aether that failing is mostly just going to get you a puff of smoke and some laughs(unless I've missed something)
To address my views on "a wizard did it" I think that if the game lore allows it, and you do more than just end scene next scene magically healed instantly, go for it. However, I would say that playing up a wound could be alot more fun than just waving the wand every time. Maybe you chose to go with the convenient wizard couldn't be found, is on vacation etc. but I would always put the RP experience before being healed. save the instant heals for people constantly around mages and in game wizards, who would naturally patch their friend/ally up.