Aw, now I wish I had a specific I could remember. Maybe there's a screenshot back in my files somewhere. If/when I get naughty, I get extremely paranoid and I double triple check copy-paste, etc. I don't think I've ever MTed something godawful horrible. But on the way to naughty, plenty of times I'm just like blahblahblah oops that was in say oh well. I've a couple times ranted about how much I hate this and that person undercutting prices on the market board and it ended up in /say. At which point I ran away, but it's not like retainer names are character names anyway.
On the receiving end, I remember some girl MTing something about being skewered by some well-endowed fellow in the middle of a giant public (not RP) event in GW2. And there was the *tapes butt* from a friend in /p in FFXI. Never did figure that one out, but won't forget it. Tapes butt?!
On the receiving end, I remember some girl MTing something about being skewered by some well-endowed fellow in the middle of a giant public (not RP) event in GW2. And there was the *tapes butt* from a friend in /p in FFXI. Never did figure that one out, but won't forget it. Tapes butt?!