(01-16-2014, 05:08 AM)ansemaru Wrote: White Mages, Succor, elementals, Padjal, and the Black Shroud- all of these things are pieces of a puzzle, and specifically pieces that all fit into one particular region of the map. Speculating that there may be elementals elsewhere in the world is fruitless, because if there are, they're even less powerful than the post-Calamity elementals of the Shroud. This is what there not being any equivalent force to the Greenwrath elsewhere suggests- or, alternatively, if we're to believe for a moment that there are elementals elsewhere, that the elementals in the Shroud are just territorial assholes in comparison to the elementals everywhere else, and are the only ones that mark threats for exile and death if they're displeased.
The fact that the Greenwrath only exists in the Shroud could just as easily mean that there is something very, very important about this particular bit of Eorzea. Â So important, in fact, that the Elementals are not willing to allow it to be disturbed.
It could also mean that there is something unique about the Shroud, unique enough to allow the otherwise non-communicative Elementals to actually manifest and make their will known. Â Hell, it could mean that the area has some kind of focused magic that allows the Elementals to have a focused will at all, whereas outside of the Shroud, they simply can't be coherent long enough to get anything done.
There's a lot of possibilities.