(01-30-2014, 10:43 PM)Renaud Becquerel Wrote: Ok, I'm really not trying to place blame anywhere because, by your own account, it sounds like an issue where different people made different mistakes, but you're no longer really respecting the privacy of the other person involved in this after a certain point (i.e. after you've posted a screenshot of their character and chat logs which you didn't fully edit their name out of).
You are either referencing another log (which I haven't seen) or you did not click on that link. It's just a copy paste of text which, as far as I can tell, has the names of two characters edited out and replaced. There's no screenshot there.
While I do think the log wasn't particulary pertinent to the overall discussion (because it's an IC retelling of the event and not the event itself), I see it as a "This is what happened" more than a "And (Someone Else) was to blame for all of this!". It is important to know the specifics of the situation and how everyone acted to learn anything from it. If you have no details, how can you induct from it and come to a conclusion?
Though, again, what happened seemed clear enough before, so I can understand why you'd think Natalie is trying to place blame instead of just be as clear as possible about the whole thing.