(01-30-2014, 07:59 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: Here is a screenshot of the scene by the way, in the midst of the confrontation.I just need to say squeeeeeeee! You're holding hands! ^_^ It's freaking cute, no matter what else is happening! Wish I managed to take screenshots like this.
(It was so cool! Click here for big)
Then to the whole thread! (I can't believe it's so many pages in such short time!)
I found the thread like houuurs ago (6hours or so??) but I was busy in-game and just left it open in my browser so I can read it as soon as I logout from game. I've been up way too long and I'm super tired but I still tried reading all and gosh I'm sorry I'm already blabbering......
I , like some others, also think that BOTH parties could have handle the original situation better, but I'm glad you got it worked out anyways. I hope the person who walked away from RP had some time to think about all this too (dunno if he/she is in RPC). Everyone makes mistakes some point and everyone should try learn from them.
I usually try to be very careful when interfering to anyone elses RP, especially if I don't know them well IC or OOC. But I'm often just very bored and get very curious when I spot something possibly interesting happening. If I feel it's wrong location or wrong people for my character to approach ICly, I might simply send private message and ask "Mind if I listen in OOC? seems interesting and I'm bored ^^" or similar.
Or, sometimes, like earlier tonight/morning, I spotted couple RPers (*waves in case they read*) near the place where Almil often goes sit by herself if I don't have much else to do or possibly waiting someone to find me there IC. Now, the two RPers were standing little too away from the "road" for me to just casually walk past them and try catch their attention with something, and Almil rarely/never really just walks to the strangers. So after staring at them for a moment out of /s reach I finally walked little around them and naturally stopped to the spot that the /s and /em reached.
When I do this, I try make some emotes to give the other RPers to notice atleast OOCly that I am around and listening. They then have change to; possibly notice me IC also, or just let me listen in, or even ask me to kindly butt off with /tell or ((OOC)) , or take their RP to private chat if it's indeed private and me or my character shouldn't hear it. Â
In the case of tonight, they continued their RP in public channel without noting me IC, and I was fine with it, I still stayed in range though and did couple of my own emotes of Almil at times perking her ears to what they said, and even turned her gaze towards them couple time. But otherwise Almil seemed happy to be by her own.
I don't -always- need to be included when I find random RP. Sometimes I'm happy just to observe, and if I get too bored I'll leave! But if I'm emoting, it means I'm IC (and ready to RP!), so there is possibility that my character will hear you IC too. If you have issue with it, please tell it to me IC or OOC, or take the RP to private chat.
Then, another example, also from this night/morning!
I got couple LS friend to RP with me, none of our characters had never met IC before, and it was nice bit of random RP. But when all our characters decided to walk back to Gridania together, I saw opportunity to add little something to my own storyline. We were all in party together, so I asked in party chat if they were up for some added drama and explained very briefly what it would possibly include, also making sure they'd have enough time for it so the RP wouldn't get hanging in the air until all of us had time to continue it. They agreed to my little drama and I think it added little something to all our characters, and might be interesting to RP with them both again later, when they'd probably be curious what happened to my character. I was positively surprised how the RP continued forward from my little 'exit' (Almil collapsed and I was kinda unconscious rest of the RP). All of the THREE other characters dealing with Almil surprised me with how they met each other. And of course I was touched how they treated poor unconscious Almil situation. Almost made me feel bad that I was seeing it only with OOC eyes ^_^
OK, I am really tired so once again I apologize if this was all just empty blabber or difficult to read.... english isn't my first language and I'm too tired to read what I wrote to see if I should fix stuff xD I mostly just wanted to comment on that screenshot *nodnod*
EDIT: xD I just needed to add that I hate god-moding, if I do it, feel free to smack me in /tell , I'll never do it on purpose though! I often take extra care to emote in way that gives the other character chance to dodge my moves etc. I sometimes emote my intentions in 2-3 emotes, waiting in between for the other one to possibly move or say something. I do this even if I know almost 100% sure that they'd allow it.
AND I also want whoever plans to RP with me to know that I always want to be asked if you plan to injure my characters in any way that would give permanent or long lasting handicap. Or if you want to kidnap my character or put her in jail for days, you need to be prepared to RP with me alot during those days if I can't do it with other characters, I play this game 85% only to RP, so you can't take that away from me for DAYS, I will not allow it without warning ;_;
So please let me know OOC if you have any bigger plans that would affect my character.
(injury, death, kidnapped/locked, cursed, magically healed (Almil dislikes it IC, and I don't always want to recover from everything in seconds), scams taking advantage of her memory loss, etc)
I would probably allow most of those in some degree (except death!), but please ask first ^^