She crosses her arms, frowning a bit. Of course, skeletons in the closet. Disturbingly common around...well, pretty much everyone she ever met since she left Ul'dah as a giless thaumaturge, to whom she is today. She flexes her hand absently minded, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. But she won't press further no...she's interested in Franz. The tall, totally-a-highlander caught her curiosity ever since their first met, she can remember just like it was yesterday...
It was a week ago, she's just one obsessive Lala.
She sits down, easening her expression. Testing of waters, highly unsucessful, very blatant vague answer given. She gives too much for too little...
" The little test about Aetherical Gravity failed. Can't be it. "
She would let this slide for now, but she wouldn't forget...no. There's a special place in the seven hells to anyone that's vague with Ququki Quki.
It was a week ago, she's just one obsessive Lala.
She sits down, easening her expression. Testing of waters, highly unsucessful, very blatant vague answer given. She gives too much for too little...
" The little test about Aetherical Gravity failed. Can't be it. "
She would let this slide for now, but she wouldn't forget...no. There's a special place in the seven hells to anyone that's vague with Ququki Quki.