I'm probably speaking from being used to playing Dungeons and Dragons, but I find that I miss non combat skills and uses for them in FF XIV. Things like being able to bluff your way out of trouble, or intimidate or persuade and the opportunity to solve quests in different ways depending on your skills. Being able to use skills like lore or perform. I miss Rogues being able to do things like open locks and disable traps, instead of the party just busting through things.
Not that all my chars are rampant kleptomaniacs, but sometimes I'd like the opportunity to screw up a quest by stealing the money I was entrusted with, for example, and to have different responses from NPCs depending on how you act, so everyone doesn't have to do things the exact same way.
Does anyone else ever think that and do you think that FF will ever add things like that to the game?
Not that all my chars are rampant kleptomaniacs, but sometimes I'd like the opportunity to screw up a quest by stealing the money I was entrusted with, for example, and to have different responses from NPCs depending on how you act, so everyone doesn't have to do things the exact same way.
Does anyone else ever think that and do you think that FF will ever add things like that to the game?