Now then, one thing I've noticed in FFXIV of late, much like other MMOs but on somewhat of a larger scale, there are a heck of a lot of people trash talking roleplayers. The people I speak of are the typical "Shouters" (you know the type. They spam your chat log with nonsensical shouts in places such as Quarrymill, Coerthas, the like) and this really just got me thinking.
"Am I missing something?"
I was just wondering if there has been some cause for this transgression towards a sect of MMO society which, to be quite frank, keep to themselves. Have roleplayers committed some unforgivable deed of which I have not heard?
Also! How would you go about rectifying this? I have often considered responding over the Shout channels to defend roleplay, which I have a deep love for. However, one cannot help but think that it might negatively impact your reputation on the server, affecting your likeliness to get groups for content, etc.
So, I bring this to the "RP Discussion" forum, as this is very much a discussion. If anything, I would like to hear from you, my fellow roleplayers. Of any past experiences you have had with these kinds of people (that you're comfortable sharing), what you would do if faced with them and just generally your views. All viewpoints are welcome, let's find out what everyone thinks!
"Am I missing something?"
I was just wondering if there has been some cause for this transgression towards a sect of MMO society which, to be quite frank, keep to themselves. Have roleplayers committed some unforgivable deed of which I have not heard?
Also! How would you go about rectifying this? I have often considered responding over the Shout channels to defend roleplay, which I have a deep love for. However, one cannot help but think that it might negatively impact your reputation on the server, affecting your likeliness to get groups for content, etc.
So, I bring this to the "RP Discussion" forum, as this is very much a discussion. If anything, I would like to hear from you, my fellow roleplayers. Of any past experiences you have had with these kinds of people (that you're comfortable sharing), what you would do if faced with them and just generally your views. All viewpoints are welcome, let's find out what everyone thinks!
"There's nothing in this life a little charm and a solid fist can't get yer, lad."