So, in order to allow everyone a chance at giving their opinions, here's a database for all the threads I've made about various roleplay-related topics. Basically, the questions I've asked the community.
- How Does Your Character React to Physical Touch?
- How Does Your Character Treat the Sexes?
- Your Character's Weapons/Artifacts and How They Acquired Them
- Your Character's Soundtrack
- NSFW: Sex and Your Character/Roleplay
- How Does Music Affect Your Roleplay?
- Character Wounds: Every Scar, a Story
- What Sins Have Your Characters Committed?
- If Your Character Could See Their Future Self
- Your Character as a School Student
- Eorzean Aetheists and the Believability of Such Characters
- What's Your Best Game Moment Ever?
- Your Character's Last Meal
- Coining Eorzean Terms