Good day to you all !Â
I am mostly called Haeden on the Internet, and I am a new soul in this place. I recently acquired the game with a deep thirst for an experience in complete immersion, something I never had the opportunity of actually doing.
--MMORPG background
I have been playing MMORPG for a long time, starting out as young as 13. The first game I played was called DOFUS, a game that for some reason was given a lot of slack to, but where I had good times, although I never really made it to endgame content, this was purely for gameplay. Moving on, I went on Ragnarök Online, that kept me for almost 5 years. Roleplay, Leveling, PvP, GvG, that is probably the MMORPG I had the widest array of interests and activities in. I then played Guild Wars & Guild Wars 2 for the storyline mostly.
--RP experience
I got introduced to the Roleplaying world by a close friend through Roleplay Forums. As I was still quite young, I went through a couple "painful" experiences to go past the common places new roleplayers tend to fall into, and then had a couple years of experience in established forums. But playing games on the side, I dropped the thing altogether, as I moved from RO server to server and we agreed within the Guild to put an emphasis on being "competitive". I still enjoyed creative writing, but it was something I would do in my alone time. At this date I still am working on a few story projects that I intend to flesh out for them to become viable worlds for me tell stories in.
And most recently, I have got this thirst for roleplaying, for playing a game in complete immersion. I had a bit of a go with modded Skyrim (which does enhance the experience by a lot) before deciding I wanted Roleplay to be more of a social experience, and seeing how FFXIV was on sale, I settled my mind with it. Therefore I am a bit rusty with the forms and mainlines of ingame Roleplay, but I am willing to work on anything to improve the experience.
And most recently, I have got this thirst for roleplaying, for playing a game in complete immersion. I had a bit of a go with modded Skyrim (which does enhance the experience by a lot) before deciding I wanted Roleplay to be more of a social experience, and seeing how FFXIV was on sale, I settled my mind with it. Therefore I am a bit rusty with the forms and mainlines of ingame Roleplay, but I am willing to work on anything to improve the experience.
--Character ideas/info
The character I would like to dedicate a lot of time roleplaying/developping is named Khan'li Odininkas. He is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, about 25, I still haven't decided that bit, that just got sent off in the world by his tribe to experience as most as possible, get back with stories of adventures, and practical knowledge to benefit the tribe. He of course is more interested to detach himself from his tribe in order to offer himself to the world, and get sucked into it. I am not too informed on the world lore, but her mother, the chief of a 3-family tribe, had some ties to the events that led to the calamity (though very minor ones). Khan'li will be an archer as I found it's the fighting class that suits best his calm, light lazyness. But if any sort of praise he is to take, I would like it to be from his leatherworker craftsmanship, something he barely knows how to do as of now, but will grow to love.
Again, your input is more than welcome to help me take him in the "right" (read genuine) direction, to flesh him out and give him life and vivid colors !
--How did you learn about the coalition?
I stumbled upon it thanks to Reddit I think, then doing a few Google researches confirmed that this was the deal for anyone interesting in FFXIV Roleplay.Â
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
I have done from light to medium, but ideally I want to settle for heavy. As I got more into writing plots and stories, I became really interesting with relationships, ties between families members, secrets, antagonisms, all that juicy stuff !
--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
I feel comfortable telling you that I did spend about a week going through the forums, reading the stickied posts to make sure I was on point with Roleplaying, to give me ideas. As I am writing this, I still haven't played this character on Balmung, but I logged a couple times on it to get a feel of the atmosphere.
Aside from that, I am French, and therefore not a native English speaker. And even though I have adopted English as my "work" language, there still is a BIG room for improvement, so any input in this regard will always be welcome ! While enjoying myself, I also want to take experience as a great learning opportunity, to better my English and make it consistently good.
I am a student with a lot of free time, so even though getting involved in a community this big is a first, I am willing to invest myself into it, and try my best to give as much as I take from it.
That's about it ! If reading through this, you have got questions, suggestions, anything you would like to share, I will be gladly be taking any input. I am looking forward to meeting you all, and starting playing too !
Have a great day,