I. Basic Info
Character: Sechen Dotharl
Linkshells: None, yetÂ
Primary RP Linkshell: Nothing just yetÂ
Wiki: Under Construction!Â
II. RP Style
Amount of RP [Light, Medium, Heavy]: Right now, pretty light, simply because I’m new to FFXIV basically, so I’m “rushing†to hit max level and figure out a glamour that works for Sechen ICly. After I get there, however, I am always IC, so definitely heavy! I’m new to FFXIV RP, as well, so the “Light†status is also “observe and learn†time for me to adjust from WoW//Tumblr RP to FF RP.
Views on RP combat and injuries: I’m alright with it. A few new scars to boast about [or be embarrassed by] are more interesting. More severe injuries [loss of limb, senses, etc.]—I’m alright with, as well, as long as they’re discussed beforehand. Ultimately, as long as you understand that I dictate any major, life changing injuries, we should be fine. As for death, well. One day, Sechen will die in battle. But it will be a long way off.
Views on IC romance: I am definitely not opposed to IC romance. The only points that I would insist on are that the other party be 18+ and that it would have to develop naturally between our characters. I wouldn’t want to conform my character to fit in your character’s life, nor would I want [or expect] that from my RP partner(s). Regarding the…potentially sexual aspect, I’m not opposed to much of anything, but it is not my main goal in RP. “Fade to black†situations are best, but hey, if things are going well and we are both disinclined to finish on that particular note, then we’ll see where we end up. Please note that I am happily married to a non-RPer, so any IC romances are strictly IC.
Views on non-romantic RP [family ties, etc.]: I’m definitely open to pretty much any sort of relationships! With family ties, however distant, I’d want to go over a few details beforehand.
Views on lore: I try to stick to lore, but I’m not going to be uptight about it if there are slight deviations. Especially considering I’m still learning the lore, myself! [Which, please, if we are RPing and I say something blatantly contradictory to the lore, please send me a tell or something to let me know! I’ve got quite a lot of lore from quite a few different games in my head and it wouldn’t be shocking if I were to have missed something or jumped to an incorrect assumption.]
Views on chat functions: Sechen is OOC unless engaged in RP for the moment [until I hit max level and get my glamour sorted out]. However, I’m more than happy to slip her IC if someone would like to engage in some RP! While IC,Â
/say = IC. I won’t use quotes, generally, as I try to confine any actions to /em [with quotes or without]. There are occasions when I make a mistake [typo etc.] and I will occasionally correct aforementioned mistake in /say as such ((*I’M an idiot, not Im)) or something along those lines.
/em = IC. If I’m emoting and my character needs or wants to speak, there will be quotes. For example, /em looks around the overflowing bar, a scowl on her face “Ugh,†she mutters darkly, under her breath “I’ll never get a drink at this rate.†etc.
Linkshells. No idea, really. Not in one, yet, so I’ll have to see.
Free Company. Not really sure. I’ve never been in a RP FC.
Character Actions. Honestly, these can be IC or OOC for me, depending on the situation and environment.
Tells and Party chat. I consider both OOC with a few choice exceptions re: whispers [see in game relationships]
Shout and Yell. I’ve never actually seen these used ICly, before, but I’m flexible.
Spells and Skills. Depends on the situation, really.Â
III. Other Info
Location: California, United States
Timezone: PSTÂ
Contact Info: In game, forum, tumblr, whichever works! If it takes me a bit to respond in game, I’m probably afk d:
Character: Sechen Dotharl
Linkshells: None, yetÂ
Primary RP Linkshell: Nothing just yetÂ
Wiki: Under Construction!Â
II. RP Style
Amount of RP [Light, Medium, Heavy]: Right now, pretty light, simply because I’m new to FFXIV basically, so I’m “rushing†to hit max level and figure out a glamour that works for Sechen ICly. After I get there, however, I am always IC, so definitely heavy! I’m new to FFXIV RP, as well, so the “Light†status is also “observe and learn†time for me to adjust from WoW//Tumblr RP to FF RP.
Views on RP combat and injuries: I’m alright with it. A few new scars to boast about [or be embarrassed by] are more interesting. More severe injuries [loss of limb, senses, etc.]—I’m alright with, as well, as long as they’re discussed beforehand. Ultimately, as long as you understand that I dictate any major, life changing injuries, we should be fine. As for death, well. One day, Sechen will die in battle. But it will be a long way off.
Views on IC romance: I am definitely not opposed to IC romance. The only points that I would insist on are that the other party be 18+ and that it would have to develop naturally between our characters. I wouldn’t want to conform my character to fit in your character’s life, nor would I want [or expect] that from my RP partner(s). Regarding the…potentially sexual aspect, I’m not opposed to much of anything, but it is not my main goal in RP. “Fade to black†situations are best, but hey, if things are going well and we are both disinclined to finish on that particular note, then we’ll see where we end up. Please note that I am happily married to a non-RPer, so any IC romances are strictly IC.
Views on non-romantic RP [family ties, etc.]: I’m definitely open to pretty much any sort of relationships! With family ties, however distant, I’d want to go over a few details beforehand.
Views on lore: I try to stick to lore, but I’m not going to be uptight about it if there are slight deviations. Especially considering I’m still learning the lore, myself! [Which, please, if we are RPing and I say something blatantly contradictory to the lore, please send me a tell or something to let me know! I’ve got quite a lot of lore from quite a few different games in my head and it wouldn’t be shocking if I were to have missed something or jumped to an incorrect assumption.]
Views on chat functions: Sechen is OOC unless engaged in RP for the moment [until I hit max level and get my glamour sorted out]. However, I’m more than happy to slip her IC if someone would like to engage in some RP! While IC,Â
/say = IC. I won’t use quotes, generally, as I try to confine any actions to /em [with quotes or without]. There are occasions when I make a mistake [typo etc.] and I will occasionally correct aforementioned mistake in /say as such ((*I’M an idiot, not Im)) or something along those lines.
/em = IC. If I’m emoting and my character needs or wants to speak, there will be quotes. For example, /em looks around the overflowing bar, a scowl on her face “Ugh,†she mutters darkly, under her breath “I’ll never get a drink at this rate.†etc.
Linkshells. No idea, really. Not in one, yet, so I’ll have to see.
Free Company. Not really sure. I’ve never been in a RP FC.
Character Actions. Honestly, these can be IC or OOC for me, depending on the situation and environment.
Tells and Party chat. I consider both OOC with a few choice exceptions re: whispers [see in game relationships]
Shout and Yell. I’ve never actually seen these used ICly, before, but I’m flexible.
Spells and Skills. Depends on the situation, really.Â
III. Other Info
Location: California, United States
Timezone: PSTÂ
Contact Info: In game, forum, tumblr, whichever works! If it takes me a bit to respond in game, I’m probably afk d: