The rules feel needlessly complex in the face of the Grindstone's compared-rolls system.
Zone-based positioning seems like a giant headache.
Alternate dimensions are questionably canon.
Healing and magic are not Grindstone-friendly and further make the event feel like the name is tacked on.
Arbitrary limits on how many people can be attacked at once.
Complex Attacks Of Opportunity that frankly don't make a lot of sense, even as someone who played D&D3/3.5 a lot.
Unstated rules on how healing works.
Rules on Summoning an Egi, but no rules stating any differences between them or how they work or why you would change or how you have any HP left because the rules state expressly you transfer them all.
No movement rules.
Healers being unable to cast attack spells make no sense considering they begin with Stone/Ruin.
That all having been said, it is clear you're working hard on this. That's evident! The fluff bits (I liked the "no throwing peanuts" rule) add some flavor and you're obviously trying to make this all it can be, but the extraneous stuff doesn't really feel Grindstoney to me. I was initially expecting larger-scale combat with multiple people, tag-team style.
Zone-based positioning seems like a giant headache.
Alternate dimensions are questionably canon.
Healing and magic are not Grindstone-friendly and further make the event feel like the name is tacked on.
Arbitrary limits on how many people can be attacked at once.
Complex Attacks Of Opportunity that frankly don't make a lot of sense, even as someone who played D&D3/3.5 a lot.
Unstated rules on how healing works.
Rules on Summoning an Egi, but no rules stating any differences between them or how they work or why you would change or how you have any HP left because the rules state expressly you transfer them all.
No movement rules.
Healers being unable to cast attack spells make no sense considering they begin with Stone/Ruin.
That all having been said, it is clear you're working hard on this. That's evident! The fluff bits (I liked the "no throwing peanuts" rule) add some flavor and you're obviously trying to make this all it can be, but the extraneous stuff doesn't really feel Grindstoney to me. I was initially expecting larger-scale combat with multiple people, tag-team style.