(10-21-2014, 08:17 AM)Inessa Hara Wrote: I do think that if this is going to be 4v4, they should all choose one person they will fight first OOCly and both group agree to that then until that fight is finished, then they can go around and gang up on the opposing team. This rule would prevent a single person from the oppisite team being singled out at the begining and being ganged up on.
These sound like agreeable terms. Having everyone lock-on makes it a lot less chaotic in the scheme of things. With the move/fight/counter system I'm fairly sure that a group of 4 melee would statistically annihilate anything opposed: Form a wall and march into the backlines. Counter anything that attacks (and rangers can't!) and then get free swings on anyone moving past. It breaks down to something like 3 swings per person per round, but my napkin with my doodles is at home.