And you're absolutely within your rights to tread cautiously in that area.
What you can not do is state "PC White Mages can't exist within the framework of the lore", because that is plainly false. People are welcome not to play with WHM RPers if they do not care to, but they also need to understand that their position is not one supported by canon.
That's not to say some (or many) WHM RPers don't exist in a very tight grey area with a lot of risk to their concept should further lore be released on the subject. But as of right now their position has merit (if in a very lean and vague sense), which simply can't be said for those who argue the other extreme.
What you can not do is state "PC White Mages can't exist within the framework of the lore", because that is plainly false. People are welcome not to play with WHM RPers if they do not care to, but they also need to understand that their position is not one supported by canon.
That's not to say some (or many) WHM RPers don't exist in a very tight grey area with a lot of risk to their concept should further lore be released on the subject. But as of right now their position has merit (if in a very lean and vague sense), which simply can't be said for those who argue the other extreme.
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