The Verdict
Judge: Mister Himalspyrsyn, under normal circumstances I would ask you to stand, but in this case, could someone please wheel the defendent forward? Thank you. Yes, about there will work. After much thought I have come to a decision. Mister Himalspyrsyn, these unfortunate events are the result of a pattern of reckless and dangerous behavior on your part. A selfish desire for revenge against a dangerous foe, best left fought by those more suited to handle the situation. Most men, indeed any good man, would have come to terms with the unfortunate things in his life, and sought to live a humble life filled with honest work. But you, Mister Himalspyrsyn, raged on against the beast and the world that contained it, and now men are dead and your country has been endangered by a weapon you helped create. The Maelstrom did not put a gun to your head and tell you to do this. You came to us with a proposition, and led those involved to their graves. I have no choice but to find you guilty on all charges. You are hereby sentenced to death by hanging. Enjoy your last days, Mister Himalspyrsyn. May the twelve have mercy on you. This court is adjourned.
Judge: Mister Himalspyrsyn, under normal circumstances I would ask you to stand, but in this case, could someone please wheel the defendent forward? Thank you. Yes, about there will work. After much thought I have come to a decision. Mister Himalspyrsyn, these unfortunate events are the result of a pattern of reckless and dangerous behavior on your part. A selfish desire for revenge against a dangerous foe, best left fought by those more suited to handle the situation. Most men, indeed any good man, would have come to terms with the unfortunate things in his life, and sought to live a humble life filled with honest work. But you, Mister Himalspyrsyn, raged on against the beast and the world that contained it, and now men are dead and your country has been endangered by a weapon you helped create. The Maelstrom did not put a gun to your head and tell you to do this. You came to us with a proposition, and led those involved to their graves. I have no choice but to find you guilty on all charges. You are hereby sentenced to death by hanging. Enjoy your last days, Mister Himalspyrsyn. May the twelve have mercy on you. This court is adjourned.
No Gods and Precious Few Heroes